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Mining Feeling Bionic Hands
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mining Feeling Bionic Hands

Haptics are a favorite topic.  We sought to gather large amounts of data about how hands interacted with products. Then mine that data for specific usage capabilities...

Reinventing the Hospital, The Game
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reinventing the Hospital, The Game

From my long time favorite collaborative future consulting group:   Insititute for the Future (IFTF).  A favorite topic, reinventing health care.  I know of a number...

The Separation of Web Pages
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Separation of Web Pages

Back in the 90s we visited mathematician at the Santa Fe Institute, and learned to soon to be iconic statistic that people were separated on the web by a remarkably...

Data Mining in R: Introductory Resources
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Mining in R: Introductory Resources

The DataMining Collective sends along links to Data Mining in R.  Fairly well done as an introduction, of both the power and complexity of using the Package R.the...

More State-Sponsored Hacking
From Schneier on Security

More State-Sponsored Hacking

After the New York Times broke the story of what seemed to be a state-sponsored hack from China against the newspaper, the Register has stories of two similar attacks...

Big Data Will End Segmentation and Long Analysis Times
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Will End Segmentation and Long Analysis Times

IBM CEO makes a clear statement about how big data will influence two key areas of marketing measurement an analysis.   And makes a clear challenge:  " ... Big...

We are publishing a lot more! How will we cope?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

We are publishing a lot more! How will we cope?

The number of research articles published each year grows exponentially. We often estimate the rate of growth to between 4% to 6% a year. We are publishing a lot...

Automobile Data Surveillance and the Future of Black Boxes
From Schneier on Security

Automobile Data Surveillance and the Future of Black Boxes

Tesla Motors gave one of its electric cars to John Broder, a very outspoken electric-car skeptic from the New York Times, for a test drive. After a negative review...

Interesting Links 18 February 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 18 February 2013

Another snowy weekend in New Hampshire for me. Not a bad thing as I had a lot of grading to catch up on. But today is a holiday for my school (Washington's Birthday)...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Adding Dollar Signs

A few remarks on papers to appear at the 2013 Computational Com- plexity Conference Chris Umans is the program chair of the upcoming Computational Complexity Conference...

Tamagotchi Emerges Again in Gamification
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tamagotchi Emerges Again in Gamification

More than a dozen years ago we looked at Bandai's Tamagotchi pets as a potential model for consumer engagement.  The basic idea was an early look at what we now...

Unitary Patent Over-simplified By IoS
From Wild WebMink

Unitary Patent Over-simplified By IoS

The IoS may have uncritically picked up the messaging the UK’s “Intellectual Property Office” has been spreading, but the likely outcome of the unitary patent is...

Google Retail Coming?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Retail Coming?

Mashable reports that Google retail stores are rumored to be on their way.   At the very least a carefully selected group of Google stores could provide a wealth...

Drive Fear Out of the Classroom
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Drive Fear Out of the Classroom

Many years ago I was privileged to take the famous four day course taught by W Edwards Deming. Deming is widely credited with turning around the Japanese manufacturing...

Watching You Watch Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watching You Watch Data

Was briefly involved in a constituent project to this idea.   So thinking about the kind and volume of data is very intriguing.  Along with closing the loop of...

Combating Showrooming With Rebates
From The Eponymous Pickle

Combating Showrooming With Rebates

Good piece by Theresa Wabler.     " .... They key to combating the shopper trend of showrooming is finding creative approaches that serve the consumer and benefit...

Getting the value of Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting the value of Big Data

Perceptive colleague Jason Terry sends along a link to a good overview piece on this topic in ZDnet.  Winnowing good data from the junk is part of the reason it...

Unintentional Data  Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unintentional Data Innovation

In Technology Review:Why were the recent Russian meteor fall observed by so many cameras?   It turns out there is a large incentive, for insurance purposes, to...

Tablet use in California and Ontario high schools – Field observations by Experientia collaborator
From Putting People First

Tablet use in California and Ontario high schools – Field observations by Experientia collaborator

Francesca Salvadori (Italian blog) is an Italian high school teacher who runs a 1:1 iPad pilot program in her school, and collaborates with Experientia on the topic...

Eat Your Heart Out King Arthur
From Wild WebMink

Eat Your Heart Out King Arthur

Made locally by D B Fletcher.  
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