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Communications of the ACM



Online Censorship Day and Other Links
From My Biased Coin

Online Censorship Day and Other Links

1)  Sharon Goldberg and Nick Feamster asked me to announce the following:In the tradition of CAEC, NYCE, and etc, we are holding a "Day" on online censorship at...

Real-World Prisoner's Dilemma from France
From Schneier on Security

Real-World Prisoner's Dilemma from France

This is a real story of a pair of identical twins who are suspected in a crime. There is there is CCTV and DNA evidence that could implicate either suspect. Detailed...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Informatics Prize

From a specialty in Complex Analysis Rolf Nevanlinna was one of the top complex analysts of the last century, and is widely cited as the most famous Finnish mathematician...

From Computational Complexity

The Complexity-STOC Bonanza

STOC and Complexity are co-located this July in beautiful Palo Alto, California. Both conferences have just announced their accepted papers: STOC (with PDF links...

Report: Divided Brain, Divided World
From Putting People First

Report: Divided Brain, Divided World

Divided Brain, Divided World; Why the best part of us struggles to be heard is an RSA report that explores the practical significance of the scientific fact that...

From GoPros to vanity camera drones
From Putting People First

From GoPros to vanity camera drones

Nicolas Nova went skiing and saw a lot of GoPro cameras on people’s heads. He got intrigued, and wrote an Ethnography Matters column where he questions informal...

The “intentional fallacy” and the “affective fallacy” of interaction design
From Putting People First

The “intentional fallacy” and the “affective fallacy” of interaction design

How seriously should we (as researchers, practitioners, users, and members of society) seek to understand and factor in the intentions of the designers who made...

New al Qaeda Encryption Tool
From Schneier on Security

New al Qaeda Encryption Tool

There's not a lot of information -- and quite a lot of hyperbole -- in this article: With the release of the Asrar Al Dardashah plugin, GIMF promised "secure correspondence"...

Making Money or Making a Difference
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Making Money or Making a Difference

I found this very interesting info graphic (OK Doug Peterson tweeted the link so really he found it first) from Seattle University at Training in Technology: The...

Are You Playing a Character, or Just Coaching Them?
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Are You Playing a Character, or Just Coaching Them?

Think of your favourite games that are about a particular character.  Do you actually play that character, or are you just the coach? That is, are you able to fully...

Massive Police Shootout in Cleveland Despite Lack of Criminals
From Schneier on Security

Massive Police Shootout in Cleveland Despite Lack of Criminals

This is an amazing story. I urge you to read the whole thing, but here's the basics: A November car chase ended in a "full blown-out" firefight, with glass and...

On Grades and STEM
From Computer Science Teachers Association

On Grades and STEM

The other day I was reading () Desire2Learn Acquires Course-Suggestion Software Inspired by Netflix and Amazon. The article discusses a program that uses information...

From Computational Complexity

Proving DFA-langs closed under concat and * without using equiv to NDFA's

While teaching the Equiv of DFA, NDFA, Reg exps, I wanted to impress upon my students that the best way to show DFA-langs are closed under concat and * is to first...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of February 11
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of February 11

February 14 Hearing: The House Select Committee on Intelligence will hold a hearing on advanced cyber threats. 10 a.m., HVC-210 Capitol Visitors Center The Research...

Our New Regimes of Trust
From Schneier on Security

Our New Regimes of Trust

Society runs on trust. Over the millennia, we've developed a variety of mechanisms to induce trustworthy behavior in society. These range from a sense of guiltThis...

CS Principles–An Update
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Principles–An Update

The About the Program page for the CS Principles, A New First Course in Computing website has some updated documents since the last time I visited it. Of particular...

Daily Show
From My Biased Coin

Daily Show

Anyone else watching Jon Stewart making fun of Harvard w/regard to the "cheating scandal".[I need the exact wording for the punch line -- "Open Internet?  Is this...

Really Clever TLS Attack
From Schneier on Security

Really Clever TLS Attack

This is an extremely clever man-in-the-middle timing attack against AES that exploits the interaction between how the protocol implements AES in CBC mode for encryption...

The big-O notation is a teaching tool
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The big-O notation is a teaching tool

One of my clients once got upset. Indeed, the running time of our image processing algorithm grew by a factor of four when he doubled the resolution of an image...

Platform Fragmentation as a Security Issue
From Schneier on Security

Platform Fragmentation as a Security Issue

Interesting article about the difficulty Google has pushing security updates onto Android phones. The problem is that the phone manufacturer is in charge, and...
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