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CDB: Not Dead Yet
From Wild WebMink

CDB: Not Dead Yet

The Communications Data Bill may have come under heavy fire in Parliament, but it’s not dead yet – and it’s already cost us a fortune even without becoming law....

Book: Beyond Smart Cities
From Putting People First

Book: Beyond Smart Cities

(Wow, it covers Turin!) Beyond Smart Cities: How Cities Network, Learn and Innovate Tim Campbell Routledge, 2012 The promise of competitiveness and economic growth...

Business Analytics in Retail: The Book
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Analytics in Retail: The Book

Large companies can afford the ability to use consultants who can help them understand such terms as 'Business Intelligence'. 'Predictive Analytics', "Big Data'...

Tide Becomes Drug Currency
From Schneier on Security

Tide Becomes Drug Currency

Basically, Tide detergent is a popular product with a very small profit margin. So small non-chain grocery and convenience stores are happy to buy it cheaply,started...

Force Feedback for Smartphones
From The Eponymous Pickle

Force Feedback for Smartphones

Research ongoing to produce force feedback that could ultimately be used on a smartphone.    This opens some interesting new sensor applications, on games certainly...

Making Internal Collaboration Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Internal Collaboration Work

McKinsey Quarterly interview with Don Tapscott:   " .... The author and strategist describes why effective knowledge management within enterprises requires replacing...

An Internet for Manufacturing
From The Eponymous Pickle

An Internet for Manufacturing

In Technology Review: Each product will remember and record how it was made, and what raw material components made it.   That is a powerfully useful stream of information...

National Academy of Engineering elects new Members
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

National Academy of Engineering elects new Members

Election to the National Academy of Engineering – which has roughly 2,000 members across a dozen fields – is one of the highest professional honors accorded to...

Postdocs in Computational Complexity Blog
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Postdocs in Computational Complexity Blog

Check out CCC council member Lance Fortnow’s blog, “Computational Complexity.” Today’s post focuses on postdocs in computer science. Anita Jones is troubled by...

From Computational Complexity

Postdocs in Computer Science

Anita Jones is troubled by the growing number of postdocs in computer science, she uses "troubling" twice in the first paragraph of her CACM Viewpoint. But is it...

Over $3M in Prizes to Hack Google Chrome
From Schneier on Security

Over $3M in Prizes to Hack Google Chrome

Google's contest at the CanSecWest conference: Today we’re announcing our third Pwnium competition­Pwnium 3. Google Chrome is already featured in the Pwn2Own competition...

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.0
From Wild WebMink

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.0

Reblogged from The Document Foundation Blog: The free office suite the community has been dreaming of for twelve years Berlin, February 7, 2013 - The Document Foundation...

Small, local, open and connected: resilient systems and sustainable qualities
From Putting People First

Small, local, open and connected: resilient systems and sustainable qualities

How do we design a resilient socio-technical system, asks Ezio Manzini in Design Observer. “Let’s look to natural systems; their tolerance of breakdowns and their...

Book: Orchestrating Human-Centered Design
From Putting People First

Book: Orchestrating Human-Centered Design

Orchestrating Human-Centered Design Guy Boy Springer, 2013 The time has come to move into a more humanistic approach of technology and to understand where our world...

Recent studies on the impact of tablet use in schools – an overview
From Putting People First

Recent studies on the impact of tablet use in schools – an overview

2012 One-to-one Tablets in Secondary Schools: An Evaluation Study (see also here and here) Dr Barbie Clarke and Siv Svanaes, Family Kids and Youth, UK, 2012 Research...

Swapping Values The Tricky Way
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Swapping Values The Tricky Way

Last week my friend Tom Indelicato who talking to his Advanced Placement Computer Science students about sorting. As is necessary this involved talking about how...

Study on the introduction of iPads in UK secondary school
From Putting People First

Study on the introduction of iPads in UK secondary school

Naace, the UK’s educational ICT association, published a report last year (July 2012), entitled “The iPad as a Tool for Education – A study on the introduction...

Quick links
From Geeking with Greg

Quick links

It's been a while since I did a Quick Links post, so there's a lot to cover. Here's the latest of what has caught my attention: First Netflix wanted to be Blockbuster...

Junaio Augmented Reality on the Second Screen
From The Eponymous Pickle

Junaio Augmented Reality on the Second Screen

Recently received and of interest.   Adding Augmented reality information to the TV screen.  I hope to watch this.  Note that the TV show is in German.  Will attempt...

IBM PureSystems
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM PureSystems

Had cause to take a look at applications that could do pattern recognition and was pointed to IBM PureSystems, mentioned here.   " ... With the new PureSystemsCheck...
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