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Communications of the ACM



Jared Diamond on Common Risks
From Schneier on Security

Jared Diamond on Common Risks

Jared Diamond has an op-ed in the New York Times where he talks about how we overestimate rare risks and underestimate common ones. Nothing new here -- I and others...

Microsoft Now Ships GPL Code
From Wild WebMink

Microsoft Now Ships GPL Code

Visual Studio now includes GPLv2 code, derived from the libgit2 project. They are also collaborating with GitHub over the project. Did hell just freeze over? I...

Do We Need Radical Change in Computer Science Education?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Do We Need Radical Change in Computer Science Education?

Everyone seems to be getting into the game of “fixing” computer science education. From Khan Academy to online programs seem to be popping up weekly. Some...

Bunchball and IBM
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bunchball and IBM

Have had some conversations with gamification vendor IBM.  Good to see they have partnered with IBM Connections.  Exploring how to add game dynamics and fun to "...

The Eavesdropping System in Your Computer
From Schneier on Security

The Eavesdropping System in Your Computer

Dan Farmer has an interesting paper (long version here; short version here) discussing the Baseboard Management Controller on your computer's motherboard: The ...

Forecasting Rogue Clouds
From The Eponymous Pickle

Forecasting Rogue Clouds

What is a rogue cloud?   " ... IT managers say "rogue cloud implementations" in which business managers sign up for services without getting IT approval is among...

CCC Seeking New Council Members
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Seeking New Council Members

THE COMPUTING COMMUNITY CONSORTIUM SEEKS NOMINATIONS FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS The CCC’s Nominating Committee invites nominations (including self-nominations) for members...

Irrelevant Ideas and Breakthroughs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Irrelevant Ideas and Breakthroughs

Always an interest of mine in innovation.  I pushed the idea for years in the enterprise.  Usually with partial success.  Here some thoughts from Wharton.   What...

Apple Losing Shine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Losing Shine

In E-Commerce Times.   Although you can't tell it to the true fans, I am having more conversations about this recently.  Not enough true innovation.   Perception...

Power and the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Power and the Internet

All disruptive technologies upset traditional power balances, and the Internet is no exception. The standard story is that it empowers the powerless, but that's...

From Computational Complexity

Who do you write papers for?

Mitch Daniels, the former governor of Indiana and new president of Purdue, wrote an inaugural letter where he discusses many of the challenges of higher education...

Watson the Shopping Assistant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson the Shopping Assistant

A GigaOM piece just brought to my attention.  The idea of using a cognitive system to  solve problems was part of a direction we looked at in the late 80s during...

CIO Strategies with CIO Eureka
From The Eponymous Pickle

CIO Strategies with CIO Eureka

A former colleague of mine at Procter & Gamble: José Ignacio Sordo Galarza, has started a company called CIO Eureka, which looks at enterprise CIO strategies.  "...

Student Teacher Time!
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Student Teacher Time!

Spring is the season of student teachers. Do you remember when you went out and worked with an older, experienced teacher to see what the job was really like? You...

"People, Process, and Technology"
From Schneier on Security

"People, Process, and Technology"

Back in 1999 when I formed Counterpane Internet Security, Inc., I popularized the notion that security was a combination of people, process, and technology. Back...

Canadian Computing Education Day + Scratch Day Canada
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Canadian Computing Education Day + Scratch Day Canada

This came though on one of the mailing lists I am on. I know that some from Canada read this blog (or so the analytic report claims) so I thought I would also share...

Martha Pollack selected to be University of Michigan Provost
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Martha Pollack selected to be University of Michigan Provost

Martha Pollack, University of Michigan Professor of EECS and past Dean of their School of Information, has been selected as Michigan’s next Provost – another sign...

Big Data and Healthcare Infographic
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Big Data and Healthcare Infographic

Big Data could revolutionize healthcare by replacing up to 80% of what doctors do while still maintaining over 91% accuracy. Please take a look at the infographic...

Facebook and CPG
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook and CPG

In Adage:  How can Facebook work with the retailer and manufacturer in CPG?  Useful numbers and thoughts.  " ...  CPG accounted for 12.5% of measured ad spending...

Who Does Skype Let Spy?
From Schneier on Security

Who Does Skype Let Spy?

Lately I've been thinking a lot about power and the Internet, and what I call the feudal model of IT security that is becoming more and more pervasive. Basically...
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