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Early Lessons for Carleton Quest
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Early Lessons for Carleton Quest

We've been asking new students to try out our new Carleton Quest app in the last few weeks.  Although I don't have a huge amount of feedback yet, there are a few...

Massive Open Online Courses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Massive Open Online Courses

I have been connected to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for some time now.  The link gives an overview of what they do and cover today.  The topic reminds me...

Kinect Sensors in Everyday Life
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kinect Sensors in Everyday Life

Still looking at the opportunities to connect sensors to gather  to improve analytical decision making.  Here some more learnings out of CES on the topic of using...

Emailed Dashboards
From The Eponymous Pickle

Emailed Dashboards

David Hecht via Teradata's Gib Bassett.  On a school of management based on emailed dashboards.  Lately there has been   This article suggests a simple method of...

Commenting on Aaron Swartz's Death
From Schneier on Security

Commenting on Aaron Swartz's Death

There has been an enormous amount written about the suicide of Aaron Swartz. This is primarily a collection of links, starting with those that use his death to...

From Computational Complexity

A New application of Ramsey Theory to a Geometry problem

All of the material summazized here is in a new paper by Gasarch and Zbarsky. You can find that paper here) Consider the following problem: Let {p1,...,pn}...

Teacher as Opportunity Activator
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teacher as Opportunity Activator

Yesterday I tried out a little web site called Name Tag Analyzer  that looks at your LinkedIn information (this assumes you have a Linked In Account of course)Rob...

Google's Authentication Research
From Schneier on Security

Google's Authentication Research

Google is working on non-password authentication techniques. But for Google's password-liberation plan to really take off, they’re going to need other websites...

Augmented Reality Potty Training
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality Potty Training

Metaio reports on Kimberly Clark's Pull-ups potty training via an Augmented reality App.  To Celebrate the First Flush.  Clever idea here.  Descriptive Video."...

Auernheimer Speaks
From My Biased Coin

Auernheimer Speaks

Auernheimer -- who as I've discussed on this blog was convicted of a felony by accessing AT&T servers -- put out a statement yesterday. 

Data Quality Dimensions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Quality Dimensions

From Malcolm Chisholm: Rethinking the Dimensions of Data Quality.  An important issue.   Consider that data supports analytics, and analytics drives decision making...

Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet of Things

In Information Week: A video about a visit to the Internet of Things Consortium at CES.  The trend that continues to develop. With many concerns and increasing...

From Wild WebMink


Icicles, originally uploaded by webmink. The thaw in the Deep South is in full swing; even these icicles have dripped away from the office window now.

Thinking About Obscurity
From Schneier on Security

Thinking About Obscurity

This essay is worth reading: Obscurity is the idea that when information is hard to obtain or understand, it is, to some degree, safe. Safety, here, doesn't mean...

Here Comes Another One
From My Biased Coin

Here Comes Another One

And yet another security story -- this one titled find a bug, get expelled or something close to that in various places. I'm going to have to find out where I send...

Facial Analysis and the Brand
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facial Analysis and the Brand

In Mediapost: A good example  of a non conscious detection of brand engagement i.e. 'neuromarketing' capability.  Here using the analysis of faces during stimulus...

Is learning useless stuff good for you?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Is learning useless stuff good for you?

We often require all students to learn things they may never need like latin, calculus, advanced trigonometry and classical literature. The implicit assumption...

Tablet Adoption in the Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tablet Adoption in the Enterprise

A broad overview of rising adoption of iPad's in the enterprise.   Interesting stats.   I do not like the use of the slide show format for this kind of information...

TSA Removing Rapiscan Full-Body Scanners from U.S. Airports
From Schneier on Security

TSA Removing Rapiscan Full-Body Scanners from U.S. Airports

This is big news: The U.S. Transportation Security Administration will remove airport body scanners that privacy advocates likened to strip searches after OSItwo...

Too Many Patents
From The Eponymous Pickle

Too Many Patents

In Hoover. I have seen a great deal of  junk and arbitrary thoughts patented. With the hope of bullying money from companies.  There is much need for reform.  Some...
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