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New Neuroscience Consultancy
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Neuroscience Consultancy

Rafal Ohme, a former colleague in neuromarketing applications, has started a London based consultancy.  There will be more here as I get to talk to them.  FromMrWeb...

Interactive Storytelling: Slides from CUSEC 2013
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Interactive Storytelling: Slides from CUSEC 2013

Here are my slides from yesterday's talk at CUSEC 2013.  There are normally embedded videos in the slides; this version links to the videos online instead. Interactive...

Data to Predicted Events and Decisions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data to Predicted Events and Decisions

Can the future be predicted by tracking Twitter?  A government project that addresses this.  In a recent post I mentioned work that I have been tracking track and...

Ads Based on Mood  and Body Language
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ads Based on Mood and Body Language

Ads and emotion.  A popular thought in the media these days.  Technology companies are thinking about it as well:  " ... In an application filed in December 2010...

Microsoft Achieve 2013: EduTech Family Summits
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Microsoft Achieve 2013: EduTech Family Summits

A friend asked me to pass this along so I am doing so. I’m hoping to make the event in Boston (Boston – January 26, 2013 Register now!) which is coming up soonMicrosoft...

Zakta is on the Technology List to Watch
From The Eponymous Pickle

Zakta is on the Technology List to Watch

I have long followed Zakta's approach for collaborative search and enabling social intelligence.  I see they have been declared one of the ten technology companies...

Game Design Competition: The National STEM Video Game Challenge
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Game Design Competition: The National STEM Video Game Challenge

Competitions engage students, build excitement, and can push CS learning to higher levels. Here is an opportunity to enthuse your students with a competition using...

Tide Pods to Roll Worldwide
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tide Pods to Roll Worldwide

Announced in the local press.  Tide Pods to go global.  I mention this because I was involved in early research in this area of discontinuous innovation, which...

Past and Near Future of Wearable Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Past and Near Future of Wearable Computing

I recently mentioned our own enterprise experimentation with wearable computing for maintenance tasks.   Consumer oriented wearables are gaining excitement from...

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Against Browser Encryption
From Schneier on Security

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Against Browser Encryption

Last week, a story broke about how Nokia mounts man-in-the-middle attacks against secure browser sessions. The Finnish phone giant has since admitted that it decrypts...

Agility as Part of the Process
From The Eponymous Pickle

Agility as Part of the Process

Thinking more about retail bookstores.  An article in the HBR online about keeping agility as part of your process.  It may cost to do that, but in a volatile world...

World’s “tech elite” named to interaction design board
From Putting People First

World’s “tech elite” named to interaction design board

From the press release: Today the Interaction Design Foundation, the IDF, has announced its new executive board. The executive board includes Donald Norman; Bill...

Living the Quantified Self life
From Putting People First

Living the Quantified Self life

Festooned with digital accessories that track everything from his heart rate to his footsteps to his sleep patterns, Vanity Fair writer James Wolcott has plugged...

Interview with Catalina Naranjo-Bock, UX design researcher
From Putting People First

Interview with Catalina Naranjo-Bock, UX design researcher

This week Danielle Arad interviewed Catalina Naranjo-Bock, UX design researcher, on key UX issues that are trending today in technology. Catalina is a hybrid user...

Essay on FBI-Mandated Backdoors
From Schneier on Security

Essay on FBI-Mandated Backdoors

Good essay by Matt Blaze and Susan Landau.

From Computational Complexity

Rise of the Engineer

I rarely watch TV commercials anymore but its NFL playoff time and during a game last weekend, the following Ford commercial caught my eye. When not showing...

Back To The Classroom
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Back To The Classroom

The last few months have been interesting as I’ve been looking at different career options. One of the things I realized right away was that I missed teaching.Bishop...

OpenField Creative Dynamic Media Delivery
From The Eponymous Pickle

OpenField Creative Dynamic Media Delivery

A former colleague of mine Scott Frondorf pointed me to his new company:  OpenField Creative.  We worked together on gamification concepts.  They have a great set...

The Last Big Bookseller
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Last Big Bookseller

Excellent detailed article in Knowledge @ Wharton:     Under Strategic Management:Barnes & Noble, the Last Big Bookseller Standing: But for How Long? After a disappointing...

Amazon Industrial and Scientific
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Industrial and Scientific

My wife Joy runs a store through Amazon.  I have become amazed by the variety of goods sold there.  Here are Amazon mark downs in industrial and scientific goods...
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