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Communications of the ACM



Data Analytics Disruption in the Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Analytics Disruption in the Enterprise

Thoughtful piece in Greenplum.  Once again I like the general idea, you look for patterns in data with an analytical search , then use an analytical method to use...

Visual Guide to 3D Printers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visual Guide to 3D Printers

Want to manufacture things to digital specifications at a distance?  Build components in your cellar? As long as the components can be cut, formed or extruded  from...

Q&A with the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation’s Gerry Greaney and Molly McMahon
From Putting People First

Q&A with the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation’s Gerry Greaney and Molly McMahon

Since its inception in 2008, the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation has become the poster child for internal innovation practices. The Center for Innovation focuses...

Uncharted territory: Where digital maps are leading us
From Putting People First

Uncharted territory: Where digital maps are leading us

The way we use maps is evolving fast, and it will change a great deal more than how we navigate, argues Kat Austen, an opinion editor at New Scientist. “Digital...

From Computational Complexity

TCS online series- could this work?

Oded Regev, Anindya De and Thomas Vidick we are about to start an online TCS seminar series. See here for details, though I have the first few paragraphs below...

Successful public service design must focus on human behaviour
From Putting People First

Successful public service design must focus on human behaviour

David Halpern, director of the Behavioural Insight Team at the UK Cabinet Office (widely known as the “nudge unit”), discusses research on how subtle changes in...

A Few Good Game Podcasts
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

A Few Good Game Podcasts

Now that I finally have a vehicle that can play files on a USB key, I've been able to listen to podcasts to make the most of my commuting time.  I've been focusing...

New MA at UC London combining anthropology, materials and design
From Putting People First

New MA at UC London combining anthropology, materials and design

“The material world is a world of social potential. Social scientists should be better equipped to engage with materials and objects through ethnographic, critical...

Starbucks Evolving Mobile Strategy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Starbucks Evolving Mobile Strategy

Starbucks is thinking of using its ground-breaking mobile card for payment in CPG retail. This extent of this is unclear but interesting. " ... Starbucks takes...

Backdoors Built in to Barracuda Networks Equipment
From Schneier on Security

Backdoors Built in to Barracuda Networks Equipment

Don't we know enough not to do this anymore?

Slides from UC Visualization Day
From The Eponymous Pickle

Slides from UC Visualization Day

The slides from two of the presentations from last weeks UC Data Visualization Day have now been posted.  Both very well done.  If you would like my impressions...

Being Postdigital
From The Eponymous Pickle

Being Postdigital

A new idea to me, In a newly distruptuve era of analytics are we  ready to be 'postdigital'?  I think we are a distance from that, singularity or not.  But an interesting...

Four Computer Scientists Win Academy Award
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Four Computer Scientists Win Academy Award

Four computer scientists win, the film industry’s highest honor, an Academy Award, for their technical achievement in special effects. The researchers developed...

Complexity and Security
From Schneier on Security

Complexity and Security

I have written about complexity and security for over a decade now (for example, this from 1999). Here's the results of a survey that confirms this: Results showed...

Health Tracking Survey
From The Eponymous Pickle

Health Tracking Survey

In Information Week, a very good article and statistics about the use of mobile devices to track health information, based on a recent PEW survey.  " ... SevenSixty...

New CSTA Discussion List
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

New CSTA Discussion List

This is something we (Computer Science educators) have needed for a while – a general purpose mailing list to discuss a wider range of CS education topics. As this...

Going Home Again aka Back To The Classroom
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Going Home Again aka Back To The Classroom

Started teaching again full-time today. I’m teaching at the same school I taught at 9.5 years ago when I went to work for Microsoft. There are a lot of changes....

Big Data Analytics at Ford
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Analytics at Ford

A good profile of colleague Michael Cavaretta at the Ford Motor Company   We met a few years ago to see how our enterprises could colllaborate.   " ... Cavaretta's...

Dangerous Security Theater: Scrambling Fighter Jets
From Schneier on Security

Dangerous Security Theater: Scrambling Fighter Jets

This story exemplifies everything that's wrong with our see-something-say-something war on terror: a perfectly innocent person on an airplane, a random person identifying...

Unconscious Branding
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unconscious Branding

A book review of Douglas van Praet's book.  Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing " ... In Unconscious Branding, Van Praet Based...
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