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IBM Provides Ecosystem Financing
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Provides Ecosystem Financing

An interesting piece just received about how IBM is provide financing for its clients.  Quite a broad opportunity to drive opportunities for growth.' ... IBM recently...

Starwood Tweets Aloft
From The Eponymous Pickle

Starwood Tweets Aloft

The Starwood Aloft hotel chain has started their agency review process using Twitter.    Recall when they had a virtual presence in Second Life?  My its been a...

VSN Strategies
From The Eponymous Pickle

VSN Strategies

Colleague Jim Tenser has a blog called VSN Strategies.  " .... James (“Jamie”) Tenser is an author and consultant to the retail and consumer products industry....

E-Mail Security in the Wake of Petraeus
From Schneier on Security

E-Mail Security in the Wake of Petraeus

I've been reading lots of articles articles discussing how little e-mail and Internet privacy we actually have in the U.S. This is a good one to start with: The...

Code Literacy: A 21st-Century Requirement
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Code Literacy: A 21st-Century Requirement

This blog piece is reprinted with permission of its author, Douglas Rushkoff. It was originally published at

Open, Free and Commercial
From Wild WebMink

Open, Free and Commercial

"Open" is never used honestly to mean "non-commercial". "Open" means no permission required; only salesmen pretend otherwise.— Simon Phipps (@webmink) November...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Wonderful Riff On Rank

The approximate rank of matrices—a great idea Santosh Vempala is one of the world experts on high-dimensional geometry, and has made many beautiful contributions...

Security Theater in American Diplomatic Missions
From Schneier on Security

Security Theater in American Diplomatic Missions

I noticed this in an article about how increased security and a general risk aversion is harming US diplomatic missions: "Barbara Bodine, who was the U.S. ambassador...

Interesting Links 19 November 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 19 November 2012

I made some more changes to the blog this last week. I hope they are not too disruptive but I want to make the site more useable and interesting. The big changes...

Designing Great Visualizations
From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Great Visualizations

Tableau provides a paper on data visualization.  Requires Registration.  " ... This paper traces the history of visual representation, from early cave drawingsthe...

Open Colleges and the Teachers Apple
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Colleges and the Teachers Apple

A link just sent to me.  An interesting blog that addresses changes in the education industry.  " ... A decade ago, electronics and cell phones in the classroom...

Ask Your Director of Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ask Your Director of Analytics

In Forbes:   What should the questions you ask your director of analytics?  If you have such a person.  Not the usual things, more about the business aspects.  That...

UK study: tech in schools requires a rethink of how learning is organised
From Putting People First

UK study: tech in schools requires a rethink of how learning is organised

In the last five years UK schools have spent more than £1 billion on digital technology. From interactive whiteboards to tablets, there is more digital technology...

Scotland study: Tablet devices in schools beneficial to children
From Putting People First

Scotland study: Tablet devices in schools beneficial to children

School children who use a tablet computer benefit the most when allowed to take it home, rather than just using it in school, reveals research from the University...

How Google Does Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

How Google Does Analytics

Gib Bassett sends along this piece from  Bernard Marr.  About Google's use of data and analytics to do decision making.  They sound very industrial engineering "...

Moores Law Becoming Irrelevant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Moores Law Becoming Irrelevant

Has the ever increasing drumbeat to computing and data manipulation become irrelevant?  The folks behind ARM say that as processors proliferate, efficiency will...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Progress On Progressive Algorithms

Another attempt to capture the notion of progressive and a wrong proof of mine Gary Miller is one of the great theorists. Starting with his award winning PhD thesis...

Mixed View of Self Checkout
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mixed View of Self Checkout

A good overview of the phenomenon.   My own decade long observation has seen the idea grow quickly.   Some companies are embracing them, others are backing off...

Motivating People With Money
From The Eponymous Pickle

Motivating People With Money

Have read Dan Pink's recent book Drive, which I enjoyed very much.   Now a new method where he offers access as a reward to help promote the book.   Another step...

Friday Squid Blogging: Vampire Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Vampire Squid

Vampire squid eats marine wastes (paper and video). As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered...
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