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Communications of the ACM



Service design publications from Finland and Estonia
From Putting People First

Service design publications from Finland and Estonia

As part of ServiceD, a three-year service design project, which researched future educational needs and piloted service design education, Lahti University of Applied...

Where Do You Go To Learn To Teach Computer Science?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Where Do You Go To Learn To Teach Computer Science?

Most people I know who teach computer science more or less figured out how to do it on their own. Some were lucky enough to have peers in the same school or close...

Harvard Financials
From My Biased Coin

Harvard Financials

Harry Lewis has had several interesting posts this month over at his blog.  In particular, he discusses Harvard Magazine's recent analysis of Harvard's Annual Financial...

SAP Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP Apps

SAP support Windows 8 with six new apps.  " .... In addition to SAP WorkDeck, the other five new apps for Windows 8 are: SAP Manager Insight for human resources...

Webmail as Dead Drop
From Schneier on Security

Webmail as Dead Drop

I noticed this amongst the details of the Petraeus scandal: Petraeus and Broadwell apparently used a trick, known to terrorists and teenagers alike, to conceal...

Future View of Sustainable Packaging
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future View of Sustainable Packaging

Via Chris Holden of RecordedFuture      A view of the future of packaging.  " ... "Sainsbury's said that it had the industry's most ambitious target to reduce packaging...

Big Data Medical Applications
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Medical Applications

In CACM:  Valerie Barr outlines important big data medical applications.  Exciting examples underway.

Social Powered Subscription Service
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Powered Subscription Service

In  AdAge, another project from their social labs.  A social powered subscription service.  " ... The @WalmartLabs unit today is broadly launching Goodies Co.,...

Predicting Supply Chain Disasters
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting Supply Chain Disasters

Over the years a problem we dealt with many times, some of our key production facilities being located in bad weather prone areas.  This article in HBR does a good...

Keys to the Crown Jewels Stolen?
From Schneier on Security

Keys to the Crown Jewels Stolen?

At least, that's the story: The locks at the Tower of London, home to the Crown Jewels, had to be changed after a burglar broke in and stole keys. The intruder...

The Open-ended Project
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Open-ended Project

I’ve been thinking a lot about projects the last month or so. You may have seen it in my posts. Mostly I’ve been talking in generalities but today I’d like to focus...

Google Data Center History
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Data Center History

Fascinating view of how the Google Data center has evolved.  " ... Google opened up on its data center operations today at an industry event in Phoenix. It shared...

Unconscious Branding Book
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unconscious Branding Book

Via Sands Research Palgrave Macmillian Releases Today: Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing by Douglas Van Praet"Doug VanStephen...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Ryan Wiliams Combine

Structuring his famous proof to build more on it Ryan Williams is a deep theorist who is known among other things for his frontier-setting lower bounds against...

Supporting Student Innovation
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Supporting Student Innovation

Pat Yongpradit is one of my heroes. He is a high school computer science teacher who just does amazing things and gets his students involved in projects that take...

Interactive Webinar on NSF’s CyberSEES Program
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Interactive Webinar on NSF’s CyberSEES Program

On Monday, November 19, at 4:00 PM EST, the National Science Foundation will hold a webinar on its Cyber-Enabled Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES)...

Fast Sets of Integers
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Fast Sets of Integers

Maintaining a set of integers is a common problem in programming. It can also be implemented in many different ways. Maybe the most common implementation uses a...

Posts from FOCS (Part 4)
From My Biased Coin

Posts from FOCS (Part 4)

[Editor: In Part 4 of what now looks to be a 5- or 6-part series of reports from FOCS, second-year graduate student Ludwig Schmidt of MIT contributes a summaryhttp...

From Computational Complexity

If GASARCH Tweeted what would he tweet?

If I tweeted this is what I would tweet: The problem with trying to predict who will win the election. Prez election thought: if you run as yourself and lose (Stevenson...

Wicked Problems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wicked Problems

We started to use the phrase 'wicked Problem' around the year 2000.  Here is an incomplete analysis of the use of the phrase:   So what is its definition?  I like...
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