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Communications of the ACM



STOC deadline extended
From My Biased Coin

STOC deadline extended

Due to inclement weather, the deadline for STOC submissions has been extended to Monday, November 5, at 5:00 pm EST.   Check the STOC web page for more details

From Computational Complexity

Sandy Extension

The deadline for submissions to STOC has been extended to Monday, Nov 5 2012 5:00 p.m. EST. 

Air New Zealand Goes Hobbit
From Wild WebMink

Air New Zealand Goes Hobbit

Their safety video is the first I’ve actually wanted to watch all the way to the end…

The Marketing and Video
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Marketing and Video

In eCommerceTimes:  A look at new content marketing.  Video is getting more powerful as a tool.  We have seen this for some time.  The more attention gathering,...

Radical Transparency
From The Eponymous Pickle

Radical Transparency

What is the value of radical transparency?  " ... Radical transparency, the idea of everyone knowing everything, could actually be a major driver of increased organizational...

Mouse Facing Extinction
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mouse Facing Extinction

Is the mouse facing extinction?  Its now more about touching a screen but the finger is still too big, and we still want partial touches and hover-overs as an alternative...

Manuel Castells on the rise of alternative economic cultures
From Putting People First

Manuel Castells on the rise of alternative economic cultures

Prof Manuel Castells is regarded as one of the most-cited sociologists in the world. When most of us were still struggling to connect our modems in the 1990s, the...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Mathematical Mischief Night

Real implications from a fake-paper prank? Composite of src1, src2 Marcie Rathke was not among the speakers whose talks I heard at the Algorithms Workshop at St...

Random Thoughts
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Random Thoughts

A friend of mine posted the picture below on Facebook recently. About as basic, and wrong, random number generator as one can get. But it brings home a point –this...

Doping in Professional Sports
From Schneier on Security

Doping in Professional Sports

I updated a 2006 essay of mine on the security issues around sports doping.

The Design of Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Design of Business

Recently brought to my attention again:  Roger Martin's 2009 book: The Design of Business, Why Design Thinking is the next competitive Advantage.  It has bee on...

Two Interesting Games With a Message
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Two Interesting Games With a Message

I found a couple of interesting games after reading Kotaku's recent article The Complicated Truth Behind Games That Want to Change the World.  One has more gameplay...

Rap News on Internet Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

Rap News on Internet Surveillance


WSDM 2013 Accepted Papers
From My Biased Coin

WSDM 2013 Accepted Papers

The list of papers accepted to WSDM 2013 is now up.  Looks like the usual fun mix of papers.

Dan Ariely on Dishonesty
From Schneier on Security

Dan Ariely on Dishonesty

Good talk, and I've always liked these animators.

Book: Meta Products – Building the Internet of Things
From Putting People First

Book: Meta Products – Building the Internet of Things

Meta Products Meaningful Design For Our Connected World by Wimer Hazenberg and Menno Huisman BIS Publishers, 160 pages 2012 Meta Products discusses the rise of...

Designing products for value
From Putting People First

Designing products for value

By encouraging more focused collaboration among multiple functional groups (notably marketing and sales, operations, engineering/R&D, and procurement), these leaders...

Google and the UX challenge of augmented reality
From Putting People First

Google and the UX challenge of augmented reality

The new Google FieldTrip app probes the question: What digital information do you want to see overlaid on the physical world? A challenge that Bruce Sterling describes...

Tesco Invests in Global e-Comerce
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco Invests in Global e-Comerce

Always impressed with Tesco's  retail technology savvy, so this is worth following:With 6,234 stores in 13 countries and annual sales of 72 billion pounds ($116...

Detecting Fake Hurricane Photographs
From Schneier on Security

Detecting Fake Hurricane Photographs

A short tutorial here. Actually, it's good advice even if there weren't a hurricane.
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