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Weaponizing Office Supplies
From Schneier on Security

Weaponizing Office Supplies

Now this is interesting.

Up again,  Learning Again.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Up again, Learning Again.

I have many close watchers who have noticed this blog has been dark for several days.  This is the first time this happened for years.   A number of people noticed...

STOC 2013 Submissions
From My Biased Coin

STOC 2013 Submissions

I was asked to post the following regarding STOC 2013 submissions:1) Please read the Call for Papers carefully and pay special attentionto length and formatting...

Let Me Buy You a Beer: A Message from a CSTA Advocate
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Let Me Buy You a Beer: A Message from a CSTA Advocate

While I'm truly honored to be the first recipient of the CSTA Leadership Cohort APP (Advocacy Points Program) award, I wish to recognize members of CSTA Chicago...

NSF Announces “Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability” (XPS) Program
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Announces “Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability” (XPS) Program

This week, the National Science Foundation issued a solicitation for its new Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability (XPS) program. The program aims to support groundbreaking...

When is a bitmap faster than an integer list?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

When is a bitmap faster than an integer list?

You can represent a list of distinct integers no larger than N using exactly N bits: if the integer i appears in your list, you set the i th bit to true. Bits for...

Boring Projects
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Boring Projects

Recently someone I really respect posted a recommendation against using Visual Basic saying “ I find most textbooks for Visual Basic to have boring assignmentsSkins...

Concentration of Power
From Wild WebMink

Concentration of Power

Hearing that Amazon had remotely wiped someone’s Kindle, I decided to investigate and find out if it had actually happened. It hadn’t, but what had happened instead...

Why Do Women Want to "Have It All?"
From updated sporadically at best

Why Do Women Want to "Have It All?"

Last week, former State Department director Anne-Marie Slaughter's Atlantic piece "Why Women Still Can't Have It All" spurred a flurry of internet discussion: there...

FAQ: Applying to Graduate School for Computer Science
From updated sporadically at best

FAQ: Applying to Graduate School for Computer Science

Over the years, I have gotten various e-mails asking me about what it is like to be a graduate student at MIT and how to apply.  I have compiled this list of frequently...

How Xerox uses analytics, big data and ethnography to help government solve “big problems”
From Putting People First

How Xerox uses analytics, big data and ethnography to help government solve “big problems”

Through the application of analytics to Big Data, as well as ethnography — the design and implementation of qualitative field studies to observe cultural patterns...

From Computational Complexity

Song of the Complexity Classes

I tweeted the audio of this song last week and here is the video. Recorded at Dagstuhl on October 18th. Written by Fred Green who also plays piano. Performed by...

Camera Jammer that Protects Licence Plates
From Schneier on Security

Camera Jammer that Protects Licence Plates

noPhoto reacts to a camera flash, and then jams the image with a bright light. The website makes the point that this is legal, but that can't last.

Smartphone ethnography apps
From Putting People First

Smartphone ethnography apps

The Qualitative Report website contains a very hard to find but highly recommended page on smartphone ethnography apps (or, as they call it, “Mobile and Cloud Qualitative...

Interesting Links 22 October 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 22 October 2012

Earthquake! Yes earthquakes are rare in New England where I live but we had one last week. Shook things up a bit. Not injuries or damage as it was a mild one as...

About OSI
From Wild WebMink

About OSI

I recorded a short interview explaining OSI Membership while I was at Open World Forum. Thanks to for the opportunity to tell people how to join...

Giving a Teleseminar
From My Biased Coin

Giving a Teleseminar

The nice folks at Texas A&M asked me to give a teleseminar as part of their series.  So instead of flying all the way to Texas to give a talk, I did so from the...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Algorithms At Oxford

A report on a recent workshop at Oxford University Joël Ouaknine, Georg Gottlob, and Andreas Pieris are faculty at Oxford University in St. John’s College. They...

South Tyrol Soon
From Wild WebMink

South Tyrol Soon

Coming up on 16th November:  SFSCon in Bolzano, Italy. While we wait for the details, here’s a reminder of what the place is like:  

From Computational Complexity

Short Announcements

With a shout out to the friendly folks attending FOCS this week, some short announcements. Read the STOC CFP before you submit the paper. There are significant...
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