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Better, Simpler, Cheaper
From The Eponymous Pickle

Better, Simpler, Cheaper

What makes the the European retailer Tesco great?   I have interacted with them a number of times and they are impressive in their use of technology and analytics...

Google Acquires Frommers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Acquires Frommers

This content acquisition includes some 350 travel guides.  Searchable I assume.  Making Google more of a published travel content location rather than just a portal...

Preventive vs. Reactive Security
From Schneier on Security

Preventive vs. Reactive Security

This is kind of a rambling essay on the need to spend more on infrastructure, but I was struck by this paragraph: Here's a news flash: There are some events that...

On Feeding Your CPU With Data
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

On Feeding Your CPU With Data

Can you guess the speed difference between these two lines of code? The first line of code does N additions: for (int i=0; i<N;i++) sum+=arr[i]; The second line...

Printing a 3D House
From The Eponymous Pickle

Printing a 3D House

Via Mark Perry.  Points to a TED talk. Not close to feasible yet, see the comments section for some thoughts on that, but an indication of where the proponents...

Best Tech Investments They Never Made
From The Eponymous Pickle

Best Tech Investments They Never Made

An interesting piece in CW about how CIO's decide to make investments in technologies.  What they have done or not and why.  Done in a story format. Useful from...

Data Analytics in the Utility Industry
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Analytics in the Utility Industry

Last year I attended a GE Smart Grid meeting and was inspired to take a closer look at how smart data and analytics are improving utility efficiency. I continue...

U.S. and China Talking About Cyberweapons
From Schneier on Security

U.S. and China Talking About Cyberweapons

Stuart Baker calls them "proxy talks" because they're not government to government, but it's a start.

Interesting Links 13 August 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 13 August 2012

Well it’s the middle of my vacation. Mostly I’m avoiding the Internet and email. Mostly. I’m not all that good at this vacation thing. In any case I do have a few...

Conversation with Jun Lee of ReD
From The Eponymous Pickle

Conversation with Jun Lee of ReD

Former colleague Lou Killeffer has a conversation with Jun Lee of ReD Associates on design thinking, strategies of innovation and how human behavior and views are...

Still not Paperless After all These Years.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Still not Paperless After all These Years.

Have you noticed we are still not in a paperless world?  It was predicted years ago, but I still get paper mail receipts, notes, specification sheets, businessArs...

Changes I Plan Make
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Changes I Plan Make

Recently I read an article by Noa Gutow-Ellis a 10th grader in Houston, Texas:

Remote Updating Curiosity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Remote Updating Curiosity

I have been been following the exciting work of NASA in landing on Mars.  In particular how a number aspects of the system have autonomy and how that influences...

Crowd Sourcing Examples
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowd Sourcing Examples

A group of interesting examples of the use of Crowd Sourcing.  I don't agree that Crowd Sourcing is always a smarter solution, but it should be considered.     ...

David Gelernter on the Internet School
From The Eponymous Pickle

David Gelernter on the Internet School

In the WSJ:  Good thoughts, I still like focusing the human touch, but lets use all the tools available:   The Friendly, Neighborhood Internet School  We have the...

Amazon Lockers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Lockers

In Innovation Excellence:  In some locations you can have your Amazon shipment delivered to a locker that you can access 24 hours a day.   You are emailed a one...

Strategic Leadership of Portfolio and Project Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Strategic Leadership of Portfolio and Project Management

Soon to be published by a colleague: : Strategic Leadership of Portfolio and Project Management, byLaurence J. Laning  and, Timothy J. Kloppenborg.  Appears to"...

“How Big Data Became So Big”;New York Times Cites CCC White Papers
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

“How Big Data Became So Big”;New York Times Cites CCC White Papers

In an article published on The New York Times’ website this afternoon, the newspaper’s technology writer Steve Lohr describes the history and evolution of “Big...

Speed and Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Speed and Innovation

Blocking speed blocks innovation. Often yes, but the the scale-speed of the innovation matters.  Early speed to trim ideas, is usually good ... but once down the...

Freedom To Create
From Wild WebMink

Freedom To Create

Sometimes we think software freedom just applies to programmers, but its creative impact can be much broader. This animated video is pretty clever: While it’s called...
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