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Communications of the ACM



From Computational Complexity

Another Algorithmic Market Failure

In 2009, Matt Cushman, Managing Director at Knight Equity Markets, gave a seminar at Northwestern on "High Frequency Trading". Here is the abstract: High frequency...

2012 Microsoft US Forum Wrap Up
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2012 Microsoft US Forum Wrap Up

I missed out on most of the US Forum this year but as I said on Monday () I was able to attend the gala that finished out the event with the award ceremony. I wanted...

Flash Drives vs Disk
From The Eponymous Pickle

Flash Drives vs Disk

More reliable and much faster.  Expect flash drives to take over from disk drives. But with the advent of the pervasive Cloud will we be storing much less there...

Article about DEC Folk
From My Biased Coin

Article about DEC Folk

Interesting Wired article talking about a bunch of people I worked with back when I was at Digital Systems Research Center, and their big effect on Google.  It's...

Chinese Gang Sells Fake Professional Certifications
From Schneier on Security

Chinese Gang Sells Fake Professional Certifications

They were able to hack into government websites: The gang’s USP, and the reason it could charge up to 10,000 yuan (£1,000) per certificate, was that it could hack...

Marketing Experiments
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Experiments

Wharton WCAI has an upcoming free webinar on Marketing Experiments: From the Basics to the Cutting Edge.  On September 12.  I plan to attend.  More information...

Cloud Privacy Illusions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cloud Privacy Illusions

A recent conversation with a client brought up the issue of privacy in the cloud.  How does it differ from information stored in other locations?  In E-Commerce...

Yet Another Risk of Storing Everything in the Cloud
From Schneier on Security

Yet Another Risk of Storing Everything in the Cloud

A hacker can social-engineer his way into your cloud storageand delete everything you have. It turns out, a billing address and the last four digits of a credit...

You're invited to a Windows 8 DevCamp in city near you
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

You're invited to a Windows 8 DevCamp in city near you

  Location DevCamp...

Tesco Virtual Stores in the UK
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco Virtual Stores in the UK

Richard James writes:  In the Guardian: "Tesco has launched the UK's first virtual supermarket at Gatwick airport in the hope bored holidaymakers waiting for their...

Amazon Enters Social Gaming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Enters Social Gaming

Amazon enters the gaming fray.  " ... Amazon says that it has started making social games because it believes it can make social games well. "We know that many...

Peter Swire Testifies on the Inadequacy of Privacy Self-Regulation
From Schneier on Security

Peter Swire Testifies on the Inadequacy of Privacy Self-Regulation

Ohio State University Law Professor Peter Swire testifies before Congress on the inadequacy of industry self-regulation to protect privacy.

The computer scientist CEO
From Geeking with Greg

The computer scientist CEO

Marissa Mayer as CEO of Yahoo may be a test of a new style of executive leadership, the optimizing CEO. She is not the first computer scientist to lead a major...

On Marital Harmony
From Wild WebMink

On Marital Harmony

In InfoWorld today, I explain why I gave my wife my iPad. She loves it, and I am very happy too as I now use a Google Nexus 7 tablet for everything the iPad used...

How to reimagine wearable technology
From Putting People First

How to reimagine wearable technology

PSFK spoke to Dhani Sutanto, a Digital Art Director who became fed up with swiping his Oyster card through the reader like millions of other Londoners each day....

Interaction design for data visualizations
From Putting People First

Interaction design for data visualizations

Interactive data visualizations are an exciting way to engage and inform large audiences. They enable users to focus on interesting parts and details, to customize...

Service design at IKEA
From Putting People First

Service design at IKEA

Walking through IKEA over the weekend with two young children, writes Shailesh Manga on UXMovement, was a healthy reminder of what contributes to an ideal customer...

Tablet versus PC: a creative decision
From Putting People First

Tablet versus PC: a creative decision

By fighting over whether tablets or PCs are better tools for creating content—as a sort of proxy war over whose vision owns the future of computing devices—we may...

Like a Movie Meteor...
From My Biased Coin

Like a Movie Meteor...

The new semester is hurtling toward me.This semester I get to teach one of my graduate courses, the one I named Algorithms at the End of the Wire sometime over...

Big Data and the 2012 Summer Olympics
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Big Data and the 2012 Summer Olympics

Over the past year, we have blogged extensively in this space about the promise of “big data” — noting the enormous volume and heterogeneity of data, as well as...
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