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On Fear
From Schneier on Security

On Fear

A poet reflects on the nature of fear.

IBM Tests Augmented Reality Shopping App
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Tests Augmented Reality Shopping App

In Adage:  Have not seen IBM involved on the shelves of retail for a while.  This is an interesting test of theirs in the testing the experience of in-store interaction...

WEIS 2012
From Schneier on Security

WEIS 2012

Last week I was at the Workshop on Economics and Information Security in Berlin. Excellent conference, as always. Ross Anderson liveblogged the event; see the...

Interesting Links 2 July 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 2 July 2012

I was pretty quiet last week. Some family stuff going on kept me away from work and (largely) off the Internet. Still over the last few days I have been catching...

Connect the Stars
From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Connect the Stars

How papers are like constellations Bob Vaughan is a mathematician at Penn State University. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society—not ours, Ben Franklin helped...

Wearable Technology in the Background
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wearable Technology in the Background

In the NYT:  An article suggesting that systems like Google Project Glass, once they are implemented well, will be a major shift that puts tech into the background...

Who teaches CS?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Who teaches CS?

In a previous blog post (3/10/2012), Thinking Big About Computer Science Education, Baker Franke addressed two tightly-coupled problems: where does computer science...

Stat Tracking Shoes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stat Tracking Shoes

Nike comes out with Stat tracking shoes.  I had a talk with a person recently involved in the use of sensors and data gathering and analysis in athletics, and I...

Common Cause: the case for working with values and frames
From Putting People First

Common Cause: the case for working with values and frames

In 2009, the chief executives and a few staff from a handful of UK non-governmental organisations (including WWF and RSPB) came together to discuss the inadequacy...

Mining Unstructured Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mining Unstructured Data

Information Management on:  How to Mine Unstructured data.  Good, fairly non technical view.  We started doing this with external consumer comment data.

Cloud Outage Risks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cloud Outage Risks

Another Amazon cloud outage makes you wonder about the real risks involved with using cloud services.  Should you have a backup cloud for these kinds of events?

From My Biased Coin


Today I get to celebrate that I'm two years done with my three year stint as "Area Dean for Computer Science" (chair).  Whoever the new person is, they're supposed...

Manifest Destiny of AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Manifest Destiny of AI

Walter Riker sends along a  link to a thoughtful  American Scientist article which asks a good question:  " ... Will AI create mindlike machines, or will it show...

Your Books are now Reading You
From The Eponymous Pickle

Your Books are now Reading You

In the WSJ:   Excellent piece on how book reading is now less than a solitary activity with e-books.   The new books are also reading you and gathering and leveraging...

Solving NP-Complete Problems?
From Wild WebMink

Solving NP-Complete Problems?

In preparing for the interview with the Java-based Drools Planner on FLOSS Weekly, my attention was grabbed by the claim it can solve NP-complete problems. You’ll...

Capturing the Timing of Public Statements
From The Eponymous Pickle

Capturing the Timing of Public Statements

I am doing a deeper study of time domain search engine Recorded Future for its potential use by a client.  A recent blog entry opened additional thoughts about"...

Assessing Networks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Assessing Networks

Thoughtful piece in the HBR blogs on assessing your network.   Thinking of this as interesting   " ... They came up with three components that would make members...

Friday Squid Blogging: Another Giant Squid Found
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Another Giant Squid Found

A dead 13-foot-long giant squid has been found off the coast of New South Wales. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories...

FireDogLake Book Salon for <i>Liars and Outliers</i>
From Schneier on Security

FireDogLake Book Salon for Liars and Outliers

Here's the permalink.

Microsoft Labs Streams Live
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Labs Streams Live

The ACM Bulletin Announces:" ... For the first time, Microsoft Research will present its Faculty Summit in a virtual forum freely accessible by the public. On July...
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