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CSTB Releases Study on
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CSTB Releases Study on

The National Academies’ Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) released this morning a new report –

From Computational Complexity

Instance Compression

Some announcements: FOCS Accepts, ITCS Call and ToC Special Issue for Rajeev Motwani I'd like to highlight one of the new FOCS papers, New Limits to Classical by...

Strategy and Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Strategy and Innovation

In Innovation Excellence:   A good discussion of the difference between strategy and innovation.  Obvious, perhaps, but innovation should be included to some degree...

If Digital, Then Tracking: Big Data Analytics in Practice
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

If Digital, Then Tracking: Big Data Analytics in Practice

Yesterday we

Red Hat
From Wild WebMink

Red Hat

Not every project hits the headlines. As I’ve been co-hosting FLOSS Weekly over the last few months, I’ve noticed a surprising number of projects showing up that...

On Securing Potentially Dangerous Virology Research
From Schneier on Security

On Securing Potentially Dangerous Virology Research

Abstract: The problem of securing biological research data is a difficult and complicated one. Our ability to secure data on computers is not robust enough toScience...

Low2No smart services and informatics workbook published
From Putting People First

Low2No smart services and informatics workbook published

The Helsinki Low2No project team just released a smart services and informatics workbook that was developed by ARUP and Experientia. Low2No is a broad project,...

RecSys 2012 Industry Track
From The Noisy Channel

RecSys 2012 Industry Track

I’m proud to be co-organizing the RecSys 2012 Industry Track with Yehuda Koren. Check out the line-up: Ronny Kohavi (Microsoft), Keynote Online Controlled Experiments...

Self Checkout Here to Stay
From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Checkout Here to Stay

Correspondent Kevin Judd sends along an article making the case that the self-checkout is here to stay.  I agree,  the decrease in labor requirements in retail...

MiniTel to go Dark on June 30
From The Eponymous Pickle

MiniTel to go Dark on June 30

Ars Technica reports on the closure of Minitel, the popular French precursor to the Internet,  on June 30.  Apparently it is still is profitable to French Telecom...

Area 51
From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Area 51

Complexity Theory Conspiracy Theories Graham Steel is a member of Team Prosecco at INRIA Paris-Roquencourt in France. He along with Romain Bardou of the related...

Nuclear Fears
From Schneier on Security

Nuclear Fears

Interesting review -- by David Roepik -- of The Rise of Nuclear Fear, by Spencer Weart: Along with contributing to the birth of the environmental movement, Weart...

Microsoft Reinventing Itself
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Reinventing Itself

Suggestion that Microsoft is in the midst of reinventing itself, with Windows 8 and more.  In particular the fact that smartphones will increasingly become our...

Inserting Your Thoughts Anywhere in 3D
From The Eponymous Pickle

Inserting Your Thoughts Anywhere in 3D

In FastCompany: This general idea has been around for some time, but it has never been implemented well.  Consider the advertising implications." ... Itching to...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

On Wednesday afternoon, before a standing-room-only audience in downtown DC, IBM Corp. held a briefing titled “Big Data: The New Natural Resource.”

Dr Paul Bernal on the right to be forgotten
From Putting People First

Dr Paul Bernal on the right to be forgotten

What is the right to be forgotten? How could it work

Ethnographic research in a world of big data
From Putting People First

Ethnographic research in a world of big data

In her final piece on ethnographic research in a world of big data (see earlier posts), Jenna Burrell, sociologist and assistant professor in the School of Information...

Surveying the Marketing Industry
From The Eponymous Pickle

Surveying the Marketing Industry

In Analytics Magazine from Informs:  IBM surveys the marketing industry, providing some interesting statistics about the relationship of IT and marketing needs....

Google Uses Famous Users As G+ Test Team
From Wild WebMink

Google Uses Famous Users As G+ Test Team

The Google Plus team turned on a new feature today while it was being announced at Google IO in San Francisco. Google+ Events is a new feature that integrates Google...

Modeling Effective CS Professional Development
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Modeling Effective CS Professional Development

Last month, the National Science Foundation sponsored a workshop on creating high-impact professional development experiences for K-12 computer science teachers...
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