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Communications of the ACM



The Psychology of Immoral (and Illegal) Behavior
From Schneier on Security

The Psychology of Immoral (and Illegal) Behavior

When I talk about Liars and Outliers to security audiences, one of the things I stress is our traditional security focus -- on technical countermeasures -- is much...

Grades and Tuitions are Inflated
From The Eponymous Pickle

Grades and Tuitions are Inflated

Data and graphs from Mark Perry on the inflation of grades and college costs.  Are  they related? Hearing more talk about the necessity of a college education....

Java ME Fragmentation
From Wild WebMink

Java ME Fragmentation

Sun acknowledged in 2008 and 2009 that Java ME was fragmented – and had been for years – without any help from Android. More in today’s article on ComputerWorld...

Scanning the Robots at ICRA 2012
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Scanning the Robots at ICRA 2012

Our colleagues at IEEE’s Spectrum have posted a neat montage of the exhibit hall at last week’s

The Problem of False Alarms
From Schneier on Security

The Problem of False Alarms

The context is tornado warnings: The basic problem, Smith says, it that sirens are sounded too often in most places. Sometimes they sound in an entire county for...

There Is Only So Much You Can Cover
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

There Is Only So Much You Can Cover


Evolving Mind Mapping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Evolving Mind Mapping

I worked with concept and mind mapping for a number of years, and use it still for consulting interactions. It is still evolving.  Allowing us to co-create conversations...

Turing Centenary
From The Eponymous Pickle

Turing Centenary

ACM Turing Centenary Celebration to Be Webcast Live!If you can't attend ACM's Turing Centenary Celebration, you can still experience the thrill of rubbing elbows...

21st Century Computer Architecture
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

21st Century Computer Architecture

In April, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) commissioned members of the computer architecture research community to generate a short report to help guide...

Planning a Summer Institute
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Planning a Summer Institute

I think my last blog was written while I was monitoring my final exam. This one is written as I take a break from planning for a summer institute for teachers for...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of May 29
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of May 29

May 31 Hearing: The Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on international proposals to regulate...

More Entrepreneurial Harvard?
From My Biased Coin

More Entrepreneurial Harvard?

One thing I noticed talking to CS graduates from Harvard this year is -- entirely anecdotally -- more seem to be going to small start-ups.  This has been an increasing...

Taming the Big Data Wave
From The Eponymous Pickle

Taming the Big Data Wave

I have been reading: Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics  by Bill Franks.  I read this in preparation...

HCIR 2012: Call for Participation
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2012: Call for Participation

Human-computer Information Retrieval (HCIR) combines research from the fields of human-computer interaction (HCI) and information retrieval (IR), placing an emphasis...

From Computational Complexity

Theory Jobs 2012

The theoretical computer science job market has mostly settled so time for the annual spring jobs posts. I set up a Google Spreadsheet that everyone can edit so...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Mobiledia is out this week with an interesting article about “Big Data”: Technology is improving Siri, powering driverless cars, improving cancer treatment and...

Backdoor Found in Chinese-Made Military Silicon Chips
From Schneier on Security

Backdoor Found in Chinese-Made Military Silicon Chips

We all knew this was possible, but researchers have found the exploit in the wild: Claims were made by the intelligence agencies around the world, from MI5, NSA...

Interview with a Safecracker
From Schneier on Security

Interview with a Safecracker

The legal kind. It's interesting: Q: How realistic are movies that show people breaking into vaults? A: Not very! In the movies it takes five minutes of razzle...

Interesting Links 29 May 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 29 May 2012

Links are a day late because of the Memorial Day holiday. A day of remembrance. I spent a little time with my father, a combat veteran of World War II which was...

The right to be forgotten
From Putting People First

The right to be forgotten

Dr Paul Bernal, a lecturer in information technology, intellectual property and media law at the University of East Anglia (UK), provides clarification on what...
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