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Communications of the ACM



RSA Animate: The Power of Networks
From Putting People First

RSA Animate: The Power of Networks

In this new RSA Animate, Manuel Lima, senior UX design lead at Microsoft Bing, explores the power of network visualisation to help navigate our complex modern world...

The Banality of Surveillance Photos
From Schneier on Security

The Banality of Surveillance Photos

Interesting essay on a trove on surveillance photos from Cold War-era Prague. Cops, even secret cops, are for the most part ordinary people. Working stiffs concerned...

Design for the next billion 2012: What
From Putting People First

Design for the next billion 2012: What

In a blog post, Niti Bhan, the head of Experientia’s Emerging Market Business Unit, writes about her realization that there is a huge gap in design for the next...

From Putting People First


Aljazeera’s The Stream reports on how people declare economic independence by establishing alternative currencies. “People and businesses are establishing micro...

Ericsson User Experience Lab blog
From Putting People First

Ericsson User Experience Lab blog

Cristian Norlin, master researcher at the Ericsson Research User Experience Lab, alerted me via Twitter to the Lab’s new blog. The User Experience Lab at Ericsson...

From Putting People First

Site works also as a full-screen swipeable tablet web app Today granstudio, the international design studio based in Turin, launches its new website, created by...

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson


Back in the day when I went to a college with A computer room with A computer it was cool enough that there was a computer there and that it was available to students...

Google Knowledge Graph
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Knowledge Graph

In ReadWwriteWeb: A look at how Google is reoriented search to include more semantic knowledge. And provides a connection to related knowledge.

Wolfram System Modeler
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wolfram System Modeler

Newly announced a System and equation modeling tool based on Mathematica.Have not looked deeper yet, but this appears to be quite impressive. The post linked to...

Lessons in Trust from Web Hoaxes
From Schneier on Security

Lessons in Trust from Web Hoaxes

Interesting discussion of trust in this article on web hoaxes. Kelly's students, like all good con artists, built their stories out of small, compelling details...

Microsoft Research Names 2012 Faculty Fellows
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Microsoft Research Names 2012 Faculty Fellows

Microsoft Research

NFC Use Expands
From The Eponymous Pickle

NFC Use Expands

In Computerworld. NFC is a wireless transmission method, operating over a few centimeters, that is typically used for payment from smartphones. It is now being...

Privacy Concerns Around "Social Reading"
From Schneier on Security

Privacy Concerns Around "Social Reading"

Interesting paper: "The Perils of Social Reading," by Neil M. Richards, from the Georgetown Law Journal. Abstract: Our law currently treats records of our reading...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog


A little over two years ago, we blogged about the

Design prototypes as boundary objects in innovation processes
From Putting People First

Design prototypes as boundary objects in innovation processes

Holger Rhinow, Eva K

Ecosystems rule over products now. Here
From Putting People First

Ecosystems rule over products now. Here

In order for designers to navigate the complex ecosystem of digital platforms, they’ll need to master business modeling and become comfortable working across disciplines...

Future of Gamification
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Gamification

PEW report on the topic of gamification. Useful overview.

Scaling and Power Laws
From The Eponymous Pickle

Scaling and Power Laws

Good examination of power laws in the newly revived Exploring Complexity blog. An important idea that is introduced clearly here.

From Computational Complexity

STOC Business Meeting

Last night I ran my last STOC business meeting as SIGACT chair. It was a three-hour affair until the hotel staff kicked us out at midnight. Lots of

Computer Science: The Big Picture
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Computer Science: The Big Picture

As I prepare to meet with a local School Board member and a magnet high school principal to discuss implementing computer programming in the high school, I have...
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