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Working Styles
From The Eponymous Pickle

Working Styles

Mindjet has an interesting document on workings styles. Surprisingly without any registration required.   Good overview with useful links,

Emergency Management: Incident, Resource, and Supply Chain Management
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Emergency Management: Incident, Resource, and Supply Chain Management

The following is a special contribution to this blog from Nabil R. Adam, a professor of computer and information systems and director of the recently-established...

From The Eponymous Pickle


A long time interest is about the way computers have been sold in media.  The Computer History Museum has an online exhibit of brochures that sold computers with...

After ethnography, and other papers by Iota Partners
From Putting People First

After ethnography, and other papers by Iota Partners

Iota Partners is a new Chicago-based venture of Rick Robinson and John Cain (with whom Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels once worked at Sapient) that deals...

Customer Centricity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Customer Centricity

We worked with Professor Peter Fader of Wharton in the enterprise.  His book on Customer centricity essentials is now out in its second edition.    "  ... Despite...

Charmin App Improved
From The Eponymous Pickle

Charmin App Improved

Charmin App Updated: " ... Procter & Gamble brand Charmin has introduced the SitOrSquat: Restroom Finder application for mobile devices, which lets users rate public...

The Data Breadth of the Supply Chain
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Data Breadth of the Supply Chain

Today I gave an invited talk "End-to-End Supply Chain: Innovation, Design and Development" at the University of Cincinnati.  I emphasized the integration of Big...

Solving a Data Science Problem
From The Eponymous Pickle

Solving a Data Science Problem

Vincent Granville on ways to solve a data science problem. An interesting case study that uses a number of common analytic methods.  Well described:  " .... Here...

SAS and Teradata
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAS and Teradata

On SAS and Teradata joining forces.  More appliances:  " ... Over the years SAS has worked with many data warehousing vendors. In particular, in the recent past...

Graph Databases
From The Eponymous Pickle

Graph Databases

A recent piece by Mark Montgomery led me to Philip Howard in Bloor on Graph Databases.  An introduction. Which led me to the WP article on the same.   Obvious application...

Reviewing the Buying Brain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reviewing the Buying Brain

An interesting review of The Buying Brain.  Very positive.   Overdone I think, there are aspects of neuromarketing methods that although useful in conjunction with...

Google Releases Data Set for Research
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Google Releases Data Set for Research

From Google’s

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Scalp Massager
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Scalp Massager

Cheap! As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Python vs. Processing as a First Language
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Python vs. Processing as a First Language

When I asked my social networks what they thought was the best language to learn to program with, most said Python.  I've always heard great things about this as...

That Time of Year : Annual NSF Reports
From My Biased Coin

That Time of Year : Annual NSF Reports

I received my notice a few weeks back that it's time to fill out my annual grant reports for NSF.I'd like to complain about it;  it's a pretty boring process, and...

What Next After GPL and Apache?
From Wild WebMink

What Next After GPL and Apache?

My article on InfoWorld today looks at the arc of software licensing trends and predicts commercial open source will eventually swing back to the centre and favour...

Funding Research Infrastructure for the CISE Community
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Funding Research Infrastructure for the CISE Community

At last week’s meeting of the Advisory Committee (AC) for the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering...

Kip Hawley Reviews <i>Liars and Outliers</i>
From Schneier on Security

Kip Hawley Reviews Liars and Outliers

In his blog: I think the most important security issues going forward center around identity and trust. Before knowing I would soon encounter Bruce again in the...

Be What
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Be What

Grace Hopper used to tell her audiences that if they ever used

UK Open Consultation Update
From Wild WebMink

UK Open Consultation Update

The final round-table for the government’s Open Standards Consultation is now open for booking – consider attending as much is at stake for UK ICT procurement....
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