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Tide Thefts Rampant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tide Thefts Rampant

This saw considerable press a few weeks ago.   The P&G detergent Tide being used as a 'currency'  for criminals. And becoming the object of theft.   Not because...

Preventing Support Agent Burnout
From The Eponymous Pickle

Preventing Support Agent Burnout

Using game dynamics to prevent support agent burnout.   A reasonable area of application since it includes tiresome tasks, but is it reasonably scalable?

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

In IEEE’s Spectrum

From Putting People First


FutureScapes, an open collaboration project by Sony and Forum for the Future, aims to bring together a range of expert thinkers, designers, futurologists, writers...

Agencies Seek White Papers, Announce Cybersecurity Symposium
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Agencies Seek White Papers, Announce Cybersecurity Symposium

Earlier this month, the National Coordination Office (NCO) for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program — the Federal...

Helsinki Street Eats: a book about everyday food
From Putting People First

Helsinki Street Eats: a book about everyday food

Helsinki Street Eats: a book about everyday food By Bryan Boyer and Dan Hill, with contributions from Ville Tikka, Nuppu G

From Schneier on Security


A way to securely erase paper: "The key idea was to find a laser energy level that is high enough to ablate - or vaporise - the toner that at the same time isNew...

The Best and Most Innovative Teachers
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Best and Most Innovative Teachers

Being somewhat opinionated about the subject (who am I kidding

7 Google+ Tips
From Wild WebMink

7 Google+ Tips

I’ve expanded my earlier posting about Google+ and you’ll find not five but

Unilever Launches Innovation Online Program
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Launches Innovation Online Program

From Consumer Goods Technology:   " ... Unilever's Open Innovation team launched a new online platform, which offers experts the opportunity to help the company...

Legal Tangles in the Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

Legal Tangles in the Cloud

Additional Cloud risks.  The danger of legal actions in the Cloud.  A recent example shows the danger.

From Computational Complexity

Heading South

Starting in July, I'll be chair of the School of Computer Science in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. Annie Ant

What's the State of (CS Ed in) Your State?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

What's the State of (CS Ed in) Your State?

The March issue of the CSTA Voice (see p. 4-5) includes a look at some state-by-state results from the 2011 National Secondary Computer Science Survey . AsCertification...

Lexus RFID Enabled Print Ad
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lexus RFID Enabled Print Ad

An NFC enabled print ad for Lexus in Wired Magazine.   Readable from NFC enabled phones or other devices.  Why this versus a QR code?  I have not tried the phone...

The New iPad and Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

The New iPad and Business

From ComputerWorld a post on the applicability of the new iPad to business.   Personnally I do not plan to upgrade from the '2' unless I need to utilize or test...

From counting citations to measuring usage (help needed!)
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

From counting citations to measuring usage (help needed!)

We sometimes measure the caliber of a researcher by how many research papers he wrote. This is silly. While there is some correlation between quantity and quality...

Gamifying Your Life
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gamifying Your Life

Can your life processes be gamified?  Can you adjust your more mundane tasks by using game dynamics>  This article looks at Apps that claim to do this.  Had only...

Hacking Critical Infrastructure
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Critical Infrastructure

A otherwise uninteresting article on Internet threats to public infrastructure contains this paragraph: At a closed-door briefing, the senators were shown howtake...

Pitfalls in Business Process Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pitfalls in Business Process Management

Informs Magazine has published a short piece on the pitfalls of using Business Process Management (BPM).  Good, common sense consideration for any BPM project....

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog


Back in January, we described a new Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program focused on innovative research proposals “in support of the development...
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