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Communications of the ACM



Computer Science at the World Economic Forum
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computer Science at the World Economic Forum

The following is a special contribution to the CCC Blog by Stephanie Forrest, professor of computer science at the University of New Mexico — and until recently...

Pre-Thinking vs Scenario Planning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pre-Thinking vs Scenario Planning

In Innovation Excellence:   Forecasting is a long term interest.  I have taught it and implemented it in corporate systems.   There are many styles, from using...

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Scala, Day 1
From Writing

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Scala, Day 1

It's time for a new chapter in the Seven Languages in Seven Weeks series: today, I take a crack at Scala.Scala, Day 1: ThoughtsAfter using Java for years, I was...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

From yesterday’s New York Times: What

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson


Microsoft Research announced a new project a couple of days ago called ChronoZoom - An Infinite Canvas in Time and you can get full information at that link but...

Taming Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Taming Data

There are lots of new ways to gather data, are we, or will be be overwhelmed?  Some useful thoughts about how to think about gathering and using it.

BOOMERANG, death by gadget: the mobile phone
From Putting People First

BOOMERANG, death by gadget: the mobile phone

BOOMERANG, death by gadget : the mobile phone

The origin of futurism
From Putting People First

The origin of futurism

Bruce Sterling, the celebrated science fiction writer and author of Tomorrow Now, explains why you don’t need to be clairvoyant to predict the future. The article...

An update on the use of e-readers in Africa
From Putting People First

An update on the use of e-readers in Africa

What does it take to introduce e-books and e-readers into communities in low income countries — and is this a good idea, asks Michael Trucano on EduTech, a World...

On the relationship between socio-economic factors and cell phone usage
From Putting People First

On the relationship between socio-economic factors and cell phone usage

The ubiquitous presence of cell phones in emerging economies has brought about a wide range of cell phone-based services for low-income groups. Often times, the...

Cognition and the intrinsic user experience
From Putting People First

Cognition and the intrinsic user experience

Over the past few years there’s been a lot of discussion around whether an experience can be designed. But it seems, writes Jordan Julien in UX Magazine, like everyone’s...

Exploring mobile-only Internet use (South Africa)
From Putting People First

Exploring mobile-only Internet use (South Africa)

Exploring mobile-only Internet use: results of a training study in urban South Africa Using an ethnographic action research approach, the study by Jonathan Donner...

Meet the 2020 Chinese consumer
From Putting People First

Meet the 2020 Chinese consumer

By 2020, Chinese consumers will join the ranks of the world

From Putting People First

“Anthropology, Development and ICTs: Slums, Youth and the Mobile Internet in Urban India” is the title of a research paper by Nimmi Rangaswamy and Edward Cutrell...

Economics of Emoton
From The Eponymous Pickle

Economics of Emoton

On the economics of emotion.  " ... Doesn

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid-Shaped USB Drive
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid-Shaped USB Drive

It looks great. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Gamification in a Productive Role
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gamification in a Productive Role

More on gamification.  Also known as serious play, a means to use the dynamics of games to get things done more quickly or efficiently, or to even get them done...

Navy Announces
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Navy Announces

Earlier today at a ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

BitCoin Security Musings
From Schneier on Security

BitCoin Security Musings

Jon Callas talks about BitCoin's security model, and how susceptible it would be to a Goldfinger-style attack (destroy everyone else's BitCoins).

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog


Earlier this month, the Advanced Projects Research Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) released a $150 million funding opportunity open to all breakthrough energy technologies...
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