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Outing a CIA Agent
From Schneier on Security

Outing a CIA Agent

Interesting article on how difficult it is to keep an identity secret in the information age.

Windows Phone Mango Jump Start Workshop Now On Video
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Windows Phone Mango Jump Start Workshop Now On Video

IF you missed it live (like I did) you can now view the recording of the Windows Phone Mango Jump Start training on Channel 9. I borrowed these direct links from...

Stanford U: Introduction to human-computer interaction design
From Putting People First

Stanford U: Introduction to human-computer interaction design

Through Stanford University lectures and a project, coordinated by Scott Klemmer, learn the fundamentals of human-computer interaction and design thinking. The...

Brandwashed Videos
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brandwashed Videos

A couple of videos sent to me that illustrate the topics in Martin Lindstrom's forthcoming book: Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade...

Interesting Links September 6 2011
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links September 6 2011

Labor Day in the US means a three-day weekend and I took advantage of it.  I’d like to make note of a couple of my recent posts that seem to have more in common...

Fundamentals of Information Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fundamentals of Information Management

Thoughtful piece, a great place to start thinking about why you should manage information at all:The Path to Information Management NirvanaSimilar to Maslow

Peer Index Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Peer Index Marketing

In GigaOM.  "Marketers have long believed that some customers have a disproportionate influence on others when it comes to purchase decisions, and they have tried...

Optimizing Airport Security
From Schneier on Security

Optimizing Airport Security

New research: Adrian J. Lee and Sheldon H. Jacobson (2011), "The Impact of Aviation Checkpoint Queues on Optimizing Security Screening Effectiveness," Reliability...

What Did You Do This Summer?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

What Did You Do This Summer?

Well, it's back to school time and most of us have done some professional development over the summer to rejuvenate and enhance what we are doing in the classroom...

Science is self-regulatory
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science is self-regulatory

Many systems are self-regulatory. For example, in a few market, prices will fluctuate until everyone gets a fair price. But free markets are a mathematical abstraction...

From Computational Complexity

Knowing some History is a good thing- Why?

(FOCS registration is open: here. Note that there are tutorials on Sat Oct 22 and the conference talks are Sun Oct 23-Tues Oct 25.) (Guest post by By Jeffery...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of September 6
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of September 6

Congress has returned from its August recess. The Fiscal Year 2012 budget should be high on the agenda, as that year starts October 1. September 7 Hearing The Senate...

Where Are All the Terrorists?
From Schneier on Security

Where Are All the Terrorists?

From Foreign Policy: "Why Is It So Hard to Find a Suicide Bomber These Days?" And from Stratfor: "Why al Qaeda is Unlikely to Execute Another 9/11." Me from May...

Very Tiny GPS Receivers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Very Tiny GPS Receivers

An intriguing short post on how location tracking devices based on GPS are getting very small.   Another example of the flexibility of small sensors.  Medical and...

Rise of Electronic Medicine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rise of Electronic Medicine

The rise of electronic medicine.   Medicine today is a sea of paper and fax machines, privacy barriers, and unconnected data. The public is ready for a better system...

Techniques for Telling Nonlinear Stories
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Techniques for Telling Nonlinear Stories

At the beginning of October, I'll be participating in a digital narrative workshop for the GRAND NCE called 'Experiencing Stories with/in Digital Games.' The following...

links for 2011-09-05
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-09-05


Interesting Links September 6 2011
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links September 6 2011

Labor Day in the US means a three-day weekend and I took advantage of it. That is why this post is a day late. Hope it didn’t ruin anyone’s day. I’d like to make...

Packaging that Glows
From The Eponymous Pickle

Packaging that Glows

For a potential project I re-examined packaging work that we had looked at for shelf improving engagement.  The use of electroluminescence. See a set of DuPont. ...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Document to eye, a documentary video.   The future of an eye prosthetic?
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