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Learning Styles
From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning Styles

Is there real evidence for clear differences in learning styles?   I know many people who say they are visual rather than textual learners,  is that a reasonable...

Big Data eBook Free Download
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data eBook Free Download

This looks to be interesting, checking it out now:  " ... We've taken the wraps off of "Big Data Now," a free collection that brings together much of the data coverage...

Forged Google Certificate
From Schneier on Security

Forged Google Certificate

There's been a forged Google certificate out in the wild for the past month and a half. Whoever has it -- evidence points to the Iranian government -- can, if...

Private Character Editor
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Private Character Editor

I get questions. Oh boy do I get questions. I don

Human plus Machine
From Putting People First

Human plus Machine

In the next ten years, smart machines will enter virtually every domain of our lives, including assisting doctors during surgery, fighting on battlefields, building...

New interface design at the New York Times R&D Lab
From Putting People First

New interface design at the New York Times R&D Lab

Megan Garber of the Nieman Journalism Lab recently visited the New York Times R&D Lab and updates us on the latest interface developments there. The New York Times...

Life, Complexity and Financial Markets
From The Eponymous Pickle

Life, Complexity and Financial Markets

We experimented with several applications of complexity models.  Not sure we every truly embraced the idea as a general problem solving technique,  but it is one...

IBM Buys Crime Analytics Company
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Buys Crime Analytics Company

An interesting acquisition.  I2  is a company known for pattern recognition solutions.  You do wonder how this will be linked to applications like Watson.  Pattern...

Careful Consumers, Smarter Marketing, Smarter Machines
From The Eponymous Pickle

Careful Consumers, Smarter Marketing, Smarter Machines

In Wharton's long running set of online articles:  New Retail Strategies: Offering a Better Fit for Today's Careful Consumers.   Among a number of other things...

Job Opening: TSA Public Affairs Specialist
From Schneier on Security

Job Opening: TSA Public Affairs Specialist

This job can't be fun: This Public Affairs Specialist position is located in the Office of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs (SCPA), Transportation Security...

Changing the Consumer / Brand Relationship
From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing the Consumer / Brand Relationship

This article essentially describes mobile applications that use 'game  dynamic' style relationship building. Looking at potential applications in the aisle for...

Older Brains Better for Strategy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Older Brains Better for Strategy

In Futurepundit:   An examination using strategy games.  Is older better for strategy?

From Computational Complexity

Do we use Technology before its perfected? Should we?

During Hurricane Irene I lost power for about 18 hours. I was actually pleased how short this was. PEPCO (my power company) did not tell us when power would beprior...

links for 2011-08-31
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-31

Software Freedom Day It's just two weeks away, get ready to join in! (tags: OpenSource FOSS Software Freedom) open80211s Meshed WiFi in every Linux device? Yes...

The Effects of Social Media on Undercover Policing
From Schneier on Security

The Effects of Social Media on Undercover Policing

Social networking sites make it very difficult, if not impossible, to have undercover police officers: "The results found that 90 per cent of female officers were...

Python Tools for Visual Studio V1.0 Released
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Python Tools for Visual Studio V1.0 Released

A lot of people are looking into using Python in computer science education these days. Of course a lot of people are also using Visual Studio for Visual BasicPython...

Informs Analytics Magazine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Informs Analytics Magazine

The latest issue of Informs Analytics Magazine.  News and topical articles on analytical methodologies from the premier business analysis and marketing science professional...

IFTF Releases their 2020 Future Map
From The Eponymous Pickle

IFTF Releases their 2020 Future Map

I blogged for the Institute for the Future for several years.  They consulted with our C-suite and we were often asked to follow up.   The are always saying some...

Jaron Lanier Flips on Wal-Mart, Apple and Google
From The Eponymous Pickle

Jaron Lanier Flips on Wal-Mart, Apple and Google

We met computer scientist Jaron Lanier while doing work with the Institute for the Future.  In the Edge he talks about the local global flip.  Quite a long rant...

Facebook Privacy Guide
From Schneier on Security

Facebook Privacy Guide

It's actually pretty good. Also note that the site is redesigning its privacy. As we learned from Microsoft, nothing motivates a company to improve its security...
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