From Schneier on Security
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been billed as the next frontier of humanity: the newly available expanse whose exploration
B. Schneier| February 29, 2024
During the conference “An Event Apart” (AEA) in Boston, UX designer Whitney Hess gave a talk entitled “Create design principles and use them to establish a philosophy...Experientia From Putting People First | July 16, 2011 at 10:52 AM
Greg Williams reports in Wired UK on the recent Frontiers of Interaction conference in Florence, Italy. “Few people need an excuse to spend time in Florence, so...Experientia From Putting People First | July 16, 2011 at 10:42 AM
In a blog post, Justin Mifsud discuss the terms usability and user experience, highlighting their differences and more importantly the relationship that exists...Experientia From Putting People First | July 16, 2011 at 10:34 AM
Sociologist Keith Hampton (University of Pennsylvania) believes technology and social networking affect our lives in some very positive ways Experientia From Putting People First | July 16, 2011 at 10:25 AM
The rise of Internet search engines like Google has changed the way our brain remembers information, according to research by Columbia University psychologist Betsy...Experientia From Putting People First | July 16, 2011 at 10:15 AM
The brain is a powerful facial recognition machine. It is only recently we have figured out how to systematize to a degree this kind of analysis using image recognition...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | July 16, 2011 at 04:16 AM
Much this week about how Google and web may be changing the way the brain operates. Here an article in Rough Type, with a good view of the debate, with an expected...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | July 16, 2011 at 04:10 AM
Search is a hard problem in computing, but it’s a critical problem in real life, as friends of computer scientist Jim Gray found out when he vanished at sea. In...Erwin Gianchandani From The Computing Community Consortium Blog | July 15, 2011 at 07:26 PM
A large list of social media stats to Kickstart your slidedeck. Intriguing, though I always worry about the context of such a large and varied assortment. Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | July 15, 2011 at 05:58 PM
(This is a guest post by Nadia Jones who blogs at
online college
about education, college, student,
teacher, money saving, movie related topics.
You can reach her...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 15, 2011 at 05:39 PM
In Progressive Grocer. A combination of concern about service levels and new regulations seems to be driving self-service out. Longer term, though, I believe...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | July 15, 2011 at 04:44 PM
Hard to imagine, but the Wikipedia is only ten years old. Have we not beeing using it for much longer than that? Now there is a challenge to visualize its impact...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | July 15, 2011 at 01:48 PM
In Fastcompany: Increasing the size of your fork will make you eat less. An interesting study in psychological perception.Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | July 15, 2011 at 01:28 PM
Why PROTECT IP Will Fail: Cultural Acceptance, Not Fear Of Punishment, Makes People Abide By Laws | Techdirt The key lesson from prohibition, ignored by policy...Simon Phipps From Wild WebMink | July 15, 2011 at 01:01 PM
You can now get a Master of Science in Strategic Studies in Weapons of Mass Destruction. Well, maybe you can't:
"It's not going to be open enrollment (or) traditional...schneier From Schneier on Security | July 15, 2011 at 11:31 AM
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson
Have you explored outer space using the WorldWide Telescope? Do you have a favorite tour of space that you share with friends. Now you can share your tours of the...Alfred Thompson From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson | July 15, 2011 at 10:01 AM
Thank you for all your comments and suggestions regarding my next book title. It will be:
Liars and Outliers:
How Security Holds Society Together
We're...schneier From Schneier on Security | July 14, 2011 at 06:47 PM