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Smuggling Drugs in Unwitting People's Car Trunks
From Schneier on Security

Smuggling Drugs in Unwitting People's Car Trunks

This is clever: A few miles away across the Rio Grande, the FBI determined that Chavez and Gomez were using lookouts to monitor the SENTRI Express Lane at the...

Attention vs. Privacy
From The Noisy Channel

Attention vs. Privacy

A major feature of the recently released Google+ is Circles, which allows you to “share relevant content with the right people, and follow content posted by people...

Interesting Links 25 July 2011
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 25 July 2011

I was on vacation last week. I had not Internet or cell phone access for a week. It was wonderful as I really needed the break. Don’t we all need a break now and...

Online security for regular people is a disaster
From Putting People First

Online security for regular people is a disaster

Online security for regular people like you and me is a disaster. It’s a killer app waiting to be designed. When you have a smartphone with some apps and a computer...

Skin as an Interactive Canvas
From The Eponymous Pickle

Skin as an Interactive Canvas

In CACM:    Had seen some related examples of this.  An on-skin body input and display system.   Very clever thought.   Skin as an interactive canvas.  Abstract...

Changing the Rules of Education
From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing the Rules of Education

In Wired.   With the Kahn Academy.  At first  I thought of this as a sort of home schooling for motivated people of any age.   But based on this article it seems...

Packaging and Neuromarketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Packaging and Neuromarketing

Roger Dooley on packaging and the use of neuromarketing techniques, with some useful examples.

Apple Prospers for US While Assembly Happens Overseas
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Prospers for US While Assembly Happens Overseas

Good article in Mike Perry's blog on the value of overseas assembly for a US company like Apple.  Making the case that globalization has real benefits.  They comments...

Seeking Smartphone Moms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeking Smartphone Moms

Important demographic.   In my own observations it appears that more women are using smartphones now  and the understanding of this is key.   Manufacturers aremy recent...

Women and Going Beyond the Game
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Women and Going Beyond the Game

While it seems to me that many more women are playing traditionally "male" video games these days, there is also a group of women who go beyond the game in ways...

DARPA:  Learning Warfare from Social Media
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DARPA: Learning Warfare from Social Media

DARPA’s Information Innovation Office (I2O) has issued a new solicitation for “innovative research proposals in the area of social media in strategic communication”...

Introducing the IT History Society
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Introducing the IT History Society

Last week I received two messages about the IT History Society

Ten Ways to Redesign Design Competitions
From Putting People First

Ten Ways to Redesign Design Competitions

John Thackara has been a juror on a series of sustainability and design competitions recently. And he has become a bit frustrated. Most of them, he says, miss their...

UI Design: an all-American product that
From Putting People First

UI Design: an all-American product that

Rob Tannen argues that user interface design is the most original and influential design coming out of the United States today. “It is the emphasis on user-centered...

From My Biased Coin


Early in the week, I was excited to find out that, apparently, it was perfectly appropriate for us professors to call (at least, already graduated) students assholes...

Friday Squid Blogging: Glass Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Glass Squid


Sock Monkey and Michelle
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Sock Monkey and Michelle

Here is Sock Monkey with Michelle Hutton. Michelle is stepping into her new role as CSTA Past Chair after serving for two years as CSTA Chair (President). She will...

Sock Monkey and Michelle
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Sock Monkey and Michelle

Here is Sock Money with Michelle Hutton. After two years as CSTA President, Michelle is now moving into her new role as Past Chair. She will continue to sit on...

iPad  University
From The Eponymous Pickle

iPad University

USC tries to set up a complete University interface based on a tablet.  I just saw  the movie 'The Social Network',  and apparently the players there just not think...

Games for Training
From The Eponymous Pickle

Games for Training

In a continuing project that looks at training using game dynamics, I was reminded of the MS effort called Ribbon Hero, which aims to provide incentive to learn...
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