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Communications of the ACM



Social Bubble?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Bubble?

Is social media also a bubble?   See here for the graph. I do want just one simple social thing to deal with.

Another Smart Cart
From The Eponymous Pickle

Another Smart Cart

SK Telecom delivers another grocery smart cart prototype. This one can sync from a smartphone. That by itself is a very good idea, decreasing the cost and complexity...

A Techie's Vacation
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

A Techie's Vacation

My husband and I are taking a 3+ week vacation to the east coast of Canada this August, and because we're both computer geeks, there's no doubt we'll be lugging...

Using Mind-Mapping to Write Blogs and Articles
From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Mind-Mapping to Write Blogs and Articles

I am a big proponent of mind mapping.  Have used it for years.  It is a great discipline,  I use it on my laptop, tablet and smartphone. I can build maps and then...

Location Based Analytics Market
From The Eponymous Pickle

Location Based Analytics Market

To exceed $ 9 Billion by 2016.  Says this study, by MR agency ABI Research.

Enhanced EBooks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Enhanced EBooks

Have been looking at how HTML5 will ultimately influence publishing online.  A friend sent me this O'Reilly piece on EPUB3, which is worth looking at.  We needEPUB3...

Cryptography and Wiretapping
From Schneier on Security

Cryptography and Wiretapping

Matt Blaze analyzes the 2010 U.S. Wiretap Report. In 2000, government policy finally reversed course, acknowledging that encryption needed to become a critical...

? The Open Cloud Initiative
From Wild WebMink

? The Open Cloud Initiative

Yesterday saw the launch of the Open Cloud Initiative here at OSCON in Portland. It has the potential to steer the evolution of cloud computing just as the Open...

The GigU Partnership
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The GigU Partnership

From today’s New York Times: A coalition of 28 American universities is throwing its weight behind a plan to build ultra-high-speed computer networks

Customer Loyalty Programs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Customer Loyalty Programs

HBS Working Knowledge on Customer Loyalty Programs that Work. " ... The customer rewards cards that clutter wallets and clog key chains of many a shopper may soon...

Restaurants Using Google Places
From The Eponymous Pickle

Restaurants Using Google Places

An interesting example of how location based systems like Google Places can be used for franchise restaurants.

On the Experience of Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Experience of Learning

From Experientia.  A review of what learning is all about. " ... Learning is a complex process with distinct stages, each with corresponding tasks and emotions....

Art and Science: The World
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Art and Science: The World

We’ve all heard about Cannes.

Ars Technica on Liabilities and Computer Security
From Schneier on Security

Ars Technica on Liabilities and Computer Security

Good article: Halderman argued that secure software tends to come from companies that have a culture of taking security seriously. But it's hard to mandate, or...

Design for Social Innovation: an interview with Ezio Manzini
From Putting People First

Design for Social Innovation: an interview with Ezio Manzini

Ezio Manzini is an Italian design strategist, one of the world

The UX of learning
From Putting People First

The UX of learning

Learning is a complex process with distinct stages, each with corresponding tasks and emotions. Understanding how users learn can help us design experiences that...

The future of learning
From Putting People First

The future of learning

New research findings from a global study of education systems suggest that the promise of a hi-tech, high-skills, high-wage future for kids is a fantasy. Does...

Jakob Nielsen report on intranet portals
From Putting People First

Jakob Nielsen report on intranet portals

Jakob Nielsen has published a new report with 19 new case studies of enterprise portals. It finds slow growth in new features. The focus is instead on robust integration...

Hacking Vs. Programming
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Hacking Vs. Programming

What is the difference between Hacking and programming? One opinion I have heard expressed is that a hacker can put a lot of code together in a hurry but if a change...

Small Grants for CS Education
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Small Grants for CS Education

If you are involved in K-12 computer science education you really owe it to yourself to join the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) And if you are a member...
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