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Communications of the ACM



Computational Tales
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computational Tales

I recently found out (thanks to the SIGCSE mailing list)  that Dr. Jeremy Kubica, software engineer and manager at Google, has been putting together a set of examples...

The web brings people together and keeps us sociable, not lonely
From Putting People First

The web brings people together and keeps us sociable, not lonely

The commonly held belief that the internet is turning an entire generation into solitary web-junkies is a myth, according to new research. In a paper to be presented...

Storytelling in the digital age
From Putting People First

Storytelling in the digital age

Digital technology allows us to tell tales in innovative new ways. As the tools available to publishers grow more sophisticated, it’s up to us, writes Aleks Krotoski...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

(This post has been updated.) David Ferrucci, the lead researcher for IBM’s Watson, was recently selected by Slate Magazine as one of “five American technology...

Neputation: Business Intelligence and Reputation Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neputation: Business Intelligence and Reputation Management

Neputation: Talked to these folks recently, very impressive.   I like thinking of Business Intelligence/Competitive Intelligence as a form of reputation management...

Learn AI at Stanford Free
From The Eponymous Pickle

Learn AI at Stanford Free

We worked with the Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory in the mid 1980s when actively involved in artificial intelligence, impressive group, and took a number...

Insights from Research Magazine
From Putting People First

Insights from Research Magazine

Four interesting articles in Research Magazine, a UK industry magazine. This month we… browsed a virtual supermarket Robert Bain explores a simulated supermarket...

How to determine what media airline passengers will choose while travelling
From Putting People First

How to determine what media airline passengers will choose while travelling

Kevin Miller, global head of insight at in-flight magazine publisher Ink discusses how the environment impacts airline travellers psychologically and in turn affects...

Home builders need to look beyond the focus group to learn what buyers want
From Putting People First

Home builders need to look beyond the focus group to learn what buyers want

Architects and construction companies can learn a lot still from the techniques of ethnographers and UX designers. Here is an example from the Real Estate section...

Journal of IA Issue 1, Volume 3 Released
From Putting People First

Journal of IA Issue 1, Volume 3 Released

The Spring 2011 Journal of Information Architecture, Issue 1, Vol. 3 is now available, with an editorial by IA Institute Board member, Dan Klyn describing this...

Designing for social norms (or how not to create angry mobs)
From Putting People First

Designing for social norms (or how not to create angry mobs)

Danah Boyd thinks we need a more critical conversation about the importance of designing with social norms in mind. “Good UX designers know that they have the power...

Five lessons from a year of tablet UX research
From Putting People First

Five lessons from a year of tablet UX research

Tablet platforms break traditional paradigms of computer and mobile use, shows ethnographic and interview-based research conducted over the last year by UX research...

Former Microsoft Executive to Replace Kundra as Federal CIO
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Former Microsoft Executive to Replace Kundra as Federal CIO

Shortly before Vivek Kundra’s scheduled departure from the position of federal Chief Information Officer, the White House has named his replacement. Steven VanRoekel...

Friday Squid Blogging: Severed Hand is Actually A Dried Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Severed Hand is Actually A Dried Squid

I just can't make this stuff up: A report of a severed hand found at an Oahu seabird sanctuary has turned out to be dried squid. Remember: if you see something...

XKCD on the CIA Hack
From Schneier on Security

XKCD on the CIA Hack

So true.

Google Helping to Restore Bletchley Park
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Helping to Restore Bletchley Park

Google reports that they are contributing to the restoration of Bletchley Park, one of the birthplaces of both computing and code breaking. I am a long time follower...

Zodiac Cipher Cracked
From Schneier on Security

Zodiac Cipher Cracked

I admit I don't pay much attention to pencil-and-paper ciphers, so I knew nothing about the Zodiac cipher. Seems it has finally been broken: The Zodiac Killer...

Our First Ultrasound (Technology is Awesome!)
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Our First Ultrasound (Technology is Awesome!)

I got my first ultrasound on Wednesday.  Baby was 20 weeks old.  I think the grandparents-to-be were more excited about the baby itself; we just might have been...

Designing for Social Norms (or How Not to Create Angry Mobs)
From Apophenia

Designing for Social Norms (or How Not to Create Angry Mobs)

In his seminal book “Code”, Larry Lessig argued that social systems are regulated by four forces: 1) the market; 2) the law; 3) social norms; and 4) architecture...

Why Democracy Needs Computer Science Education
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Why Democracy Needs Computer Science Education

The following is a special contribution to this blog from Henry Kautz, Chair of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Rochester. His research...
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