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Collaborative Asynchronous Searching
From The Eponymous Pickle

Collaborative Asynchronous Searching

I recently mentioned SearchTeam.  I see it has now been looked at and reviewed in detail in Information Today,  Note in particular the description of the Semantic...

"Taxonomy of Operational Cyber Security Risks"
From Schneier on Security

"Taxonomy of Operational Cyber Security Risks"

I'm a big fan of taxonomies, and this -- from Carnegie Mellon -- seems like a useful one: The taxonomy of operational cyber security risks, summarized in Table...

Computer Science Before Programming
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Before Programming

For most people the first real computer science course is introduction to programming. It may be called something else but effectively what it is is a course that...

New Benchmark for AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Benchmark for AI

In CACM:  Top chess players can now be defeated by computer programs.  But this has not been the case for the Japanese game Go.  New methods use Monte Carlo simulation...

OggCamp Approaching
From Wild WebMink

OggCamp Approaching

If you’re in the south of England (or want to travel here) don’t forget that OggCamp is being held this weekend. It’s in Farnham, just off the M3, and you’ll want...

Neuromarketing and Big Marketers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing and Big Marketers

A long article in Fast Company on how the company Nielsen subsidiary Neurofocus is working with major companies to implement Neuromarketing.  Quite interesting...

DARPA: Automated Program Analysis for Cybersecurity
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DARPA: Automated Program Analysis for Cybersecurity

Fresh on the heels of announcing a call for social media research, DARPA’s Information Innovation Office (I2O) has issued a solicitation for “innovative research...

Free-Riding on Plant Security Countermeasures
From Schneier on Security

Free-Riding on Plant Security Countermeasures

There's a security story from biology I've used a few times: plants that use chemicals to call in airstrikes by wasps on the herbivores attacking them. This is...

Stampt Customer Loyalty App
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stampt Customer Loyalty App

Recently brought to my attention and examined:  Stampt, a simple smartphone based customer loyalty program.  Links to social  networking systems.  More here,

Math and Language
From The Eponymous Pickle

Math and Language

In New Scientist:  Does mathematics depend less on our language than we thought?  Mental calculation methods seem to say so, as well as studies of abacus usage.

Usury and the collapse of empires
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Usury and the collapse of empires

The American government recently played Russian roulette with its economy by threatening to default on its debt. Of course, nobody actually thought that the Americans...

Is Gamification Bull?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Is Gamification Bull?

Having been a veteran of the AI hype world I am always sensitive and open to criticisms of new technology hype waves.  I like to promote new ideas because I amHere...

links for 2011-08-09
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-08-09

LibreOffice vs. Showdown for Best Open Source Office Suite | Wazi If LibreOffice maintains the pace of improvement Brian describes here, by the...

NSF Awards CS-Led Health, Robotics Research Center
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Awards CS-Led Health, Robotics Research Center

Yesterday, the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced a new five-year, $18.5 million Engineering Research Center (ERC) that will pursue interdisciplinary research...

MRI Lie Detectors
From Schneier on Security

MRI Lie Detectors

An article from Salon -- lots of interesting research. My previous blog post on the topic.

Abstraction At The Core of Computer Science
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Abstraction At The Core of Computer Science

I spent the latter part of last week in Palo Alto, California working on the CS 2013 project. There are some pretty amazing people involved in this project (CS)...

? Responding to the Bling Riots
From Wild WebMink

? Responding to the Bling Riots

First, let me say I think the inexplicable thuggery that’s going on in London (and elsewhere) is indefensible and the people doing it without respect for people...

Opportunities for Small Retail Spaces
From The Eponymous Pickle

Opportunities for Small Retail Spaces

In Retail Traffic:  " ... Nationwide, the size of food stores is going down

Future Cola
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future Cola

We took at look at Coca-Cola's futuristic drink blending and delivery dispenser for some time.  It is a classic case of late differentiation and tailoring a product...

New Bank-Fraud Trojan
From Schneier on Security

New Bank-Fraud Trojan

Nasty: The German Federal Criminal Police (the
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