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German Police Call Airport Full-Body Scanners Useless
From Schneier on Security

German Police Call Airport Full-Body Scanners Useless

I'm not surprised: The weekly Welt am Sonntag, quoting a police report, said 35 percent of the 730,000 passengers checked by the scanners set off the alarm more...

Feedback Method
From The Eponymous Pickle

Feedback Method

We effectively used this method for personal feedback in the enterprise. Simple, easy to remember.

Education Leadership Day 2011
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Education Leadership Day 2011

Leadership Day is a project started by Scott McLeod and is now in its fourth year. The idea is for people to “blog about whatever you like related to effectivePartners...

Layer Adding Object Recognition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Layer Adding Object Recognition

In Fast Company. QR codes has received lots of positive press recently. But Augmented Reality had the potential of replacing QR codes by providing information... FIRST
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson FIRST


Slogans vs  Logos
From The Eponymous Pickle

Slogans vs Logos

Penn's always interesting language log blog has an interesting post about how while verbal slogans can be resisted as a form of meme, logos and graphical formsThe...

Sock Monkey and Computer Science Advocacy Specialists
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Sock Monkey and Computer Science Advocacy Specialists

The CSTA Computer Science Advocacy Specialists play a huge role in advocating for K-12 computer science education at the state and national level. Here is Sock...

Home-Made Wi-Fi Hacking, Phone Snooping, UAV
From Schneier on Security

Home-Made Wi-Fi Hacking, Phone Snooping, UAV


From Apophenia

Everyone’s abuzz with the “nymwars,” mostly in response to Google Plus’ decision to enforce its “real names” policy. At first, Google Plus went on a deleting spree...

Empower Media Marketing to Acquire MIG
From The Eponymous Pickle

Empower Media Marketing to Acquire MIG

I have mentioned Market Intelligence Group here a number of times. More companies should be using their analytical methods. Now they are being acquired by Empower...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

One of mankind’s oldest dreams is to fly like a bird. And now, thanks to a team of German researchers, we’ve moved one step closer with

Hacking Lotteries
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Lotteries

Two items on hacking lotteries. The first is about someone who figured out how to spot winner in a scratch-of tic-tac-toe style game, and a daily draw style game...

Gigabit in the Home
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Gigabit in the Home

We’ve covered the US Ignite and Gig.U initiatives on this blog over the course of the past few months, and now we’ve been pointed to a great video that explains...

Becoming Acquainted with Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Becoming Acquainted with Data

Stephen Few on on becoming acquainted with a dataset for the first time. Nicely done, this was a situation I often encountered and simple visualization was the...

Computer Crackers are Evil
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Crackers are Evil

Recently a friend of mine, Vicki Davis, received a pre-publication copy of the new book by Kevin Mitnick the famous cracker. Vicki wrote here review of the book...

Back to School Tablet Sales
From The Eponymous Pickle

Back to School Tablet Sales

Forbes suggests that tablet sales will boom with the new school year. Not unexpected, but I still think that laptops are today still more versatile, and tablets...

Facebook Analytics Tool
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Analytics Tool

A new Facebook Analytic tool of interest. ...PageLever shows impressions (any time a story loads in a browser whether on your page or not) for any date range,...

New Information on the Inventor of the One-Time Pad
From Schneier on Security

New Information on the Inventor of the One-Time Pad

Seems that the one-time pad was not first invented by Vernam: He could plainly see that the document described a technique called the one-time pad fully 35 years...

DoD Enters National Robotics Initiative
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DoD Enters National Robotics Initiative

Back in mid-June, we noted the President’s announcement of a $70 million National Robotics Initiative (NRI) — a multi-agency investment spanning the NSF, NIH, NASA...

From Computational Complexity

If I was a tweeter (is that a word?)

Since Lance is not tweeting this week, I will take up the slack. So, here is my once-in-a-while post If I tweeted AND if tweets didn't have to be so short, here...
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