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Social Customer Engagement Index Survey
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Customer Engagement Index Survey

The Society for New Communications Research is very pleased to be collaborating with the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals, SOCAP and Social Media Today's...

? The Risky Cloud
From Wild WebMink

? The Risky Cloud

It used to take a bailiff and a man with an axe for the door, but the cloud makes it so much easier. If I told you that your entire business infrastructure could...

Computer Science Education Week is Here!
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Computer Science Education Week is Here!

We are now in the middle of Computer Science Education Week 2010 (December 5 to 11, 2010). What plans to you have to involve your school in this historic event?...

Digital Self-Harm and Other Acts of Self-Harassment
From Apophenia

Digital Self-Harm and Other Acts of Self-Harassment

Sometimes, things aren’t what they appear to be. And, in those cases, jumping to the wrong conclusion can be a disservice to everyone. After I first wrote about...

iPad as a Divergence Product
From The Eponymous Pickle

iPad as a Divergence Product

I know I have been somewhat skeptical of the iPad as a novel product.  Here is an article in Adage which looks at it differently.  Comparing it to the now long...

Tesco Launches Mobile Site
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco Launches Mobile Site

My always observant UK retail correspondent reports that retailer Tesco has launched a mobile version of its remote site.

Google Enters eBook Market
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Enters eBook Market

A good overview of Google's entry into the ebook market, from an educational perspective.   A very large number of texts are included. 

Who will need database administrators in 2020?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Who will need database administrators in 2020?

In response to my Why do we need database joins? post, many readers stressed the importance of strict database schemas to preserve data integrity. In short, we...

? Meta-Wikileaks
From Wild WebMink

? Meta-Wikileaks

Defend WikiLeaks or lose free speech Dan Gillmor on leaks and journalism: “By [Washington Post journalist] Krauthammer’s sick standards, the death squads should...

Profiling Lone Terrorists
From Schneier on Security

Profiling Lone Terrorists

Masters Thesis from the Naval Postgraduate School: "Patterns of Radicalization: Identifying the Markers and Warning Signs of Domestic Lone Wolf Terrorists in Our...

TEALS (Technology Education And Literacy in Schools)
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

TEALS (Technology Education And Literacy in Schools)


Gmail Alert Monitor Update
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gmail Alert Monitor Update

A Gmail alert monitor I had not heard of: Scott's Gmail Alert (SGA) has been a great desktop notifier for a long time. In the just-released version 5, however,predecessors...

Procter CIO is Chief of the Year
From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter CIO is Chief of the Year

In InformationWeek:Former long-time colleague Filippo Passerini of P&G is named CIO of the year. " ...  How does Filippo Passerini and his team hope to digitize...

FTC Privacy Report
From Schneier on Security

FTC Privacy Report

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission released its privacy report: "Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change." From the press release: One method of...

Spherical Tours
From The Eponymous Pickle

Spherical Tours

Rently brought to my attention: Spherical Images." .... A London-based virtual tour company, Spherical Images provide HD quality virtual tours by photographing...

Tagging Starter Kits
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tagging Starter Kits

Motorola is offering some out-of-the-box RFID starter kits for companies that want to understand the technology and its application.  Good idea.  " ... Motorola...

Productive Obsessions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Productive Obsessions

Intriguing Ideaconnection interview.  The role of a kind of obsession in thinking. " .... IdeaConnection Interview with Eric Maisel, Co-author of Brainstorm, and...

links for 2010-12-06
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-12-06

ICANN had no role in seizing torrent domains It was done directly by Verisign, over the registrars' heads: "VeriSign received sealed court orders directing certain...

Cyberwar and the Future of Cyber Conflict
From Schneier on Security

Cyberwar and the Future of Cyber Conflict

The world is gearing up for cyberwar. The U.S. Cyber Command became operational in November. NATO has enshrined cyber security among its new strategic priorities...

From Computational Complexity

Do Uniform Lower Bounds Matter?

From Ryan Willams' paper: Non-uniform lower bounds establish impossibility results for computation in the physical world: it could be that P ? NP, yet NP-complete...
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