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Interesting Links Post December 6th 2010
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links Post December 6th 2010

Well it is Computer Science Education week. Are you doing anything at your school for it this week? I attended three different CSTA chapter meetings in the last...

On Bayesian Networks
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Bayesian Networks

A very good overview article by Adnan Darwiche in the December Communications of the ACM: ...  What are Bayesian networks and why are their applications growing...

Social Games as an Advertising Frontier
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Games as an Advertising Frontier

Good article in Mashable/Business: Reasons Why Social Games Are the Next Advertising Frontier  I do like the idea, but also think it is much harder to implement...

? Now Accepting BitCoin
From Wild WebMink

? Now Accepting BitCoin

As an experiment, I’ve set up BitCoin on one of the systems here at Webmink Central. BitCoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency, with no central bank or authority...

From Putting People First


The UK newspaper The Daily Telegraph profiles Cordell Ratzlaff, director of user-centred design at Cisco Systems, and fomer head of Apple

Physics Simulator using MS Surface: In Retail?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Physics Simulator using MS Surface: In Retail?

Remember Microsoft Surface?  I barely do, and I saw a demonstration of it to show the dynamics of crowd interactions.  I have rarely seen it mentioned beyond that...

Card Trick and Data Compression
From The Eponymous Pickle

Card Trick and Data Compression

In Technology Review, a clever discovery: Card Trick Leads to New Bound on Data Compression A magician's card trick has prompted a mathematical re-evaluation of...

links for 2010-12-05
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-12-05

Shopping-enabled Wikipedia Page on Amazon While the creative commons license that covers Wikipedia allows it, this attempt to divert traffic away from Wikipedia...

iMotions Eyetracking Tool
From The Eponymous Pickle

iMotions Eyetracking Tool

A video on the IMotions eyetracking tool.  More at their site.  " ... To gain a new level of consumer insights to know how your customers perceive, behave and interact...

Common Craft Explanatory Videos
From The Eponymous Pickle

Common Craft Explanatory Videos

My colleague Walter Riker (see his Ease of Blogging site) sends along a link to the site Common Craft.  " ... little 3 minute videos for explanation on technology...

links for 2010-12-04
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-12-04

Full Body Scanners: What's Next? definitive explanation from Bruce Schneier why the nude scanners at airports are a wate of money, and why the will always be accmpanied...

Small Is Beautiful
From Wild WebMink

Small Is Beautiful

On a whim I decided to go look for a domain name for my own link shortener. Within a few minutes I’d found that was available, and even better that GoDaddy...

IPads in Academia
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPads in Academia

In CACM: Faculty innovators explore iPad use.  I am still unconvinced that there are that many fundamental differences between say a small laptop and an iPad. ...

Friday Squid Blogging: New Species of Squid Discovered
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: New Species of Squid Discovered

New species of squid discovered in the Southern Indian Ocean.

The Value of Smart Swarms
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Value of Smart Swarms

New book in the pile and now being read: The Smart Swarm: How Understanding Flocks, Schools, and Colonies Can Make Us Better at Communicating, Decision Making,. ...

Football Match Fixing
From Schneier on Security

Football Match Fixing

Detecting fixed football (soccer) games. There is a certain buzz of expectation, because Oscar, one of the fraud analysts, has spotted a game he is sure has been...

? Defending Wikileaks
From Wild WebMink

? Defending Wikileaks

Let me say up front that I am not a massive fan of WikiLeaks. It seems to me that taking stolen correspondence and publishing it for everyone to read is a fundamentally...

Smaller Devices Taking Over
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smaller Devices Taking Over

In the NYT Bits column: Smartphones and Tablets to take over in 2011.  There seems to be a rush towards mobile computing power, combined with sensors.   Lots of...

Trends in Shopper Behavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

Trends in Shopper Behavior

Progressive Grocer posts on some trends in shopper behavior.   " ... Consumers today want value, are less likely to be loyal to one retailer and expect friendly...

Small Business Success in 2011
From The Eponymous Pickle

Small Business Success in 2011

On the steps for of small business success in 2011 from Entrepreneur magazine.
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