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? For Your Safety
From Wild WebMink

? For Your Safety

Australian Government adds Wikileaks to banned website list With WikiLeaks back in the news, this story from 2009 is more relevant than ever. Having rendered WikiLeaks...

Causing Terror on the Cheap
From Schneier on Security

Causing Terror on the Cheap

Total cost for the Yemeni printer cartridge bomb plot: $4200. "Two Nokia mobiles, $150 each, two HP printers, $300 each, plus shipping, transportation and other...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity as Friction

What advantages can we get from computational hardness? Cryptography and pseudo-random number generators come to mind. But perhaps the universe made computation...

Interesting Links 29 November 2010
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 29 November 2010

I hope everyone (US anyway) had a great Thanksgiving last week. For me it was a good time with fun, food and family. We had a great time with my new Kinect sensor...

The Mismeasurement of Science
From Michael Nielsen

The Mismeasurement of Science

Albert Einstein’s greatest scientific “blunder” (his word) came as a sequel to his greatest scientific achievement. That achievement was his theory of gravity,...

Opting Out is Socially Neutral?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Opting Out is Socially Neutral?

One would have thought that opting out of providing information that you might think is your own personal business would be your own choice.   Essentially socially...

Cheating and Enraging Customers as a Business Model
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cheating and Enraging Customers as a Business Model

Negative advertisement prospers because of Google's model.  Comments and link to a NYTimes article.  It is traffic, not the direction of the interaction that builds...

Four Square and Pepsico: The Rise of Blockbuster Location Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Four Square and Pepsico: The Rise of Blockbuster Location Apps

Steve Frenda, [email protected],  Managing Director, Strategy and Development, The In-Store Marketing Institute  writes: " .... The following pieces are...

links for 2010-11-28
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-11-28

The Science Behind Wikipedia

New Localism
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Localism

Colleague Steve King in Small Biz labs reports on  Small Business Saturday and New Localism.  " ... Today is Small Business Saturday, a promotion by American Express...

Data Visualization Infographic
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Visualization Infographic

An infographic on data visualization.  Explained by the developers in Readwriteweb.  A clever view of the topic as a Venn diagram,  which is useful to take a look...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Reported in Engadget: the Benddesk, a workspace of the future idea that includes a flat table like structure and an integrated background area.  All accessible...

Maybe Course Proliferation Is a Bad Idea?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Maybe Course Proliferation Is a Bad Idea?

I was prompted after the last CSTA board meeting to write the following, which has now turned into a blog post. My basic question is whether we are doing ourselves...

links for 2010-11-27
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-11-27

Recommended reading: Control and Community by The 451 Group Lengthy and favourable review of the 451 report on "Control and Community" (which they have very kindly...

From Putting People First


The autumn issue of Koreana, the quarterly devoted to Korean art and culture, contains a special feature on Korea’s smartphone era. The articles come in a range...

Business Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies

In the CACM:  Excellent overview article.  Lot of good information to make the case in the enterprise.Business Impact of Web 2.0 TechnologiesWhat do wikis, blogs...

Supply Chain Digest
From The Eponymous Pickle

Supply Chain Digest

Newly updated with a redesign and lots of new information:  The Supply Chain Digest. 

Friday Squid Blogging: Studying Squid Hearing
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Studying Squid Hearing

At Woods Hole: It is known now, through the work of Mooney and others, that the squid hearing system has some similarities and some differences compared to human...

John Atanasoff
From The Eponymous Pickle

John Atanasoff

I am a long time follower of how historians and media address the history of computing technology.   A new biography of John Atanasoff is now out: The Man Who...

Remarkable scientists without a wikipedia page
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Remarkable scientists without a wikipedia page

I was surprised today to learn that Michael Ley’s wikipedia page had been deleted (because it failed to indicate the significance of the subject). I have yet to...
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