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Computer Class or Computer Science Class
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Class or Computer Science Class

There is much too much confusion about the difference between a

The (limited) power of good intentions
From Putting People First

The (limited) power of good intentions

Socially responsible design, writes Julie Lasky in Metropolis Magazine, is a whole lot harder than it looks.

Visualizing Your Inbox
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualizing Your Inbox

Another example of Gmail inbox visualization.  I have mentioned a few others here.  I have built some simple screen scraping methods to look at this via Excel,...

From Computational Complexity

New York Area Theory Day- Nov 12, 2010

New York Area Theory Day, Organized by: IBM/NYU/Columbia, External sponsorship by: Google, Friday, November 12, 2010 The Theory Day will be held at Couranthere...

Econonomics of Mass Collaboration
From The Eponymous Pickle

Econonomics of Mass Collaboration

HBR Podcast with guest Don Tapscott, chairman of nGenera Insight and coauthor of Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World. on the economics of mass collaboration...

links for 2010-10-22
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-10-22

AWS Free Usage Tier I was actually surprised to find Amazon didn't have a sandpit for AWS, so this new offering really doesn't surprise me. They still have no easy...

FaceTime for Mac Security Hole
From Schneier on Security

FaceTime for Mac Security Hole

Once a user has logged into FaceTime, anyone with access to the machine can change the user's Apple ID password without knowing the old password.

Tynt - Copy and Paste
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tynt - Copy and Paste

Another example of the ability to determine how much your content is being shared.   I have always looked at this with mixed feelings ... you want what you saySee...

Some Shopping by Phone Only
From The Eponymous Pickle

Some Shopping by Phone Only

Who shops using mobile, and what are the consequences?" ... A small segment of consumers prefer to shop using their mobile devices, according to a report from Millennial...

Deborah Crawford to receive 2010 Presidential Rank Award
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Deborah Crawford to receive 2010 Presidential Rank Award

Deborah Crawford, who recently left her position as NSF’s Deputy Assistant Director for CISE (Jeannette Wing’s right-hand person) to become Vice Provost for Research...

Google CPG Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google CPG Blog

I was reminded that Google has a Consumer Package Goods vertical blog that I had not visited in some time, check it out.

Electronic Car Lock Denial-of-Service Attack
From Schneier on Security

Electronic Car Lock Denial-of-Service Attack

Clever: Inspector Richard Haycock told local newspapers that the possible use of the car lock jammers would help explain a recent spate of thefts from vehicles...

President Obama Recognizes Science Superstars
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

President Obama Recognizes Science Superstars

Earlier this week President Obama hosted the winners of a number of major STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) competitions. Two of the students who...

Senses and Sales
From The Eponymous Pickle

Senses and Sales

Roger Dooley writes about the use of more senses to promote sales.  Along the way mentioning and quoting Dan Hill's new book:  About Face: The Secrets of Emotionally...

From Computational Complexity

Will there be a 50th CCC? Will you be there?

At the 25th CCC Juris Hartmanis gave a great talk to celebrate having a 25th. Will there be a 50th? I asked people at the conference. What did they say? Watch the...

The future is already here
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The future is already here

It is not 9am yet. Nevertheless, I got a lot done: I attended the thesis proposal of my student Eduardo via Skype. I was literally in my basement with a fresh cup...

links for 2010-10-21
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-10-21

Every email and website to be stored "Every email, phone call and website visit is to be recorded and stored after the Coalition Government revived controversial...

Adding Human Intelligence to Software
From The Eponymous Pickle

Adding Human Intelligence to Software

From CACM:    Whats interesting here is the connection to Amazon's Mechanical Turk, which we used to experiment with human intelligence tasks.  There are some things...

Girl Scouts Fight Photoshopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Girl Scouts Fight Photoshopping

This is interesting, reminding me of the Dove ads of a few years ago.  What are the implications of 'healthy media' ?  Or is an act like this just censorship?

Primer for Using YouTube
From The Eponymous Pickle

Primer for Using YouTube

An Adage primer for using YouTube as a marketing tool.  I admit I am mostly a consumer of YouTube, and have just noticed some colleagues and companies starting...
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