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Data Sharing Between CPG and Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Sharing Between CPG and Retail

Data sharing between retailers and manufacturers have been done for a long time.   Here is an example of the process between Food Lion and Kraft.

Inside the Mind of the Shopper
From The Eponymous Pickle

Inside the Mind of the Shopper

I have had a chance to re-examine Herb Sorensen's book from last year, and his supporting site that contains articles about some of the concepts included. Also,...

LinkedIn's New Lab
From The Eponymous Pickle

LinkedIn's New Lab

ReadwriteWeb writes about Linkedn's new lab.  Says it has meager pickings for the average user. LinkedIn  is a resume mill that is no longer possible to ignore. ...

Can you trust fixed-bit computer arithmetic?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Can you trust fixed-bit computer arithmetic?

Suppose that you have 10 pictures, and all lined up, they take 100 pixels. Is it safe to say that each picture has a width of x pixels if 10 x = 100? We all know...

Google Creative Labs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Creative Labs

A slideshow from Google Creative Labs. " ...   interesting HTML5 apps, iPhone apps, visualization tools, 3D projections, art projects, creative YouTube videos,...

Recruiting: Lessons for a CSTA Chapter
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Recruiting: Lessons for a CSTA Chapter

As we started the new school year, our small group of five (three college and two high school educators) is entering round two of starting a CSTA chapter. We created...

Store Brands Here to Stay
From The Eponymous Pickle

Store Brands Here to Stay

Overview of Deloitte study on store brands in Progressive Grocer:  " ... In a Deloitte study, 80% of consumer respondents said they think most store brands are...

Embedded Phenomena, Augmented Reality, and Education
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Embedded Phenomena, Augmented Reality, and Education

I love it when something so simple is so effective. Tom Moher's 2006 paper [ACM, CiteSeer] describing his work on what he calls Embedded Phenomena was a case of...

From Computational Complexity

Two Candidates for an Ig Noble in Mathematics

(This is a sequel to my post on the Ig Nobel Prize.) Two candidates for an Ig Nobel prizes in Mathematics. They deserve it for opposite reasons. (They are old...

Where do Innovations Come From?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Where do Innovations Come From?

The hive mind say Kevin Kelly and Steven Johnson.   Maybe they are nurtured (or not) that way, but all the really good and remarkable ideas I have seen have come...

The FBI is Tracking Whom?
From Schneier on Security

The FBI is Tracking Whom?

They're tracking a college student in Silicon Valley. He's 20, partially Egyptian, and studying marketing at Mission College. He found the tracking device attached...

Kodu Programming For Kids
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Kodu Programming For Kids


From The Eponymous Pickle


James Surowiecki in the New Yorker: What does procrastination tell us about ourselves?  Orin Kerr in Volokh follows with the suggestion that  procrastinationmay...

Tell Them Where to Go in Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tell Them Where to Go in Retail

Click through to see the whole thing: Tell 'em Where to Go; Tell 'em Which to Buy!(The "Path-to-Purchase" Ought to Be a U-Turn)September 30, 2010 - by Herb Sorensen...

Posterous gets an App
From The Eponymous Pickle

Posterous gets an App

In ReadwriteWeb:  The minimalist blogging platform called Posterous is something I am experimenting with for getting blogging into the hand of clients.  They now...

The Mahmoud al-Mabhouh Assassination
From Schneier on Security

The Mahmoud al-Mabhouh Assassination

Remember the Mahmoud al-Mabhouh assassination last January? The police identified 30 suspects, but haven't been able to find any of them. Police spent about 10...

What are you using?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What are you using?

I blog about a lot of resources here and I

In-Facility Navigation
From The Eponymous Pickle

In-Facility Navigation

In the NYT (May require registration):  Finding Your Way Through the Mall or the Airport, With a Cellphone Map.  Not a very new idea, but a reasonable overview...

Food Lion Testing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Food Lion Testing

In Supermarket News, Bloom's Food Lion is testing a 3GTV television network in store.  " ... will examine the best way to utilize video and other digital media...

From The Eponymous Pickle


I see that AnalyticBridge has a newly designed web site. Nicely done.   They position themselves as the social network for analytics professionals.
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