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Communications of the ACM



Cloud Access for NSF CISE Research
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Cloud Access for NSF CISE Research

An increasing number of National Science Foundation (NSF) Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) solicitations, including the CISE Core Programs...

Pin Screens to the Walls
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pin Screens to the Walls

Is it the future of display to have information pinned on the wall.  Or floating in space?Qualcomm’s new AR ‘Smart Viewer’ lets you pin virtual screens to yourLenovo...

IBM and AI.  An Abandonment of Watson?
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM and AI. An Abandonment of Watson?

 I see that our interesting correspondent and critic from before the first AI winter, Roger Schank, has posted a note strongly criticizing IBM on AI and cognitive...

Xilinx Alveo Platform for Networking and AI Video Analytics
From insideHPC

Xilinx Alveo Platform for Networking and AI Video Analytics

SAN JOSE, Feb. 23, 2021 – Addressing the demands of the modern data center, Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ: XLNX) today announced a range of new data center products andXilinx...

RISC-V International Unveils Fast Track Architecture Extension Process and Ratifies ZiHintPause Extension
From insideHPC

RISC-V International Unveils Fast Track Architecture Extension Process and Ratifies ZiHintPause Extension

Zurich – Feb. 23, 2021 – RISC-V International, a non-profit corporation controlled by its members to drive the adoption and implementation of the free and openRISC...

Semtech to Enable 50Gbps PAM4 Front Haul 5G Wireless Deployment with 5G Front Haul Tri-Edge CDR IC Solution
From insideHPC

Semtech to Enable 50Gbps PAM4 Front Haul 5G Wireless Deployment with 5G Front Haul Tri-Edge CDR IC Solution

CAMARILLO, CA, Feb. 23, 2021 –Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, today...

AIOps Company ScienceLogic Raises $105M from Goldman Sachs, Intel Capital and NewView Capital
From insideHPC

AIOps Company ScienceLogic Raises $105M from Goldman Sachs, Intel Capital and NewView Capital

Reston, Virginia – February 23, 2021 – ScienceLogic, provider of AI-driven monitoring solutions for hybrid cloud management, announced today that it has raisedAIOps...

From Computational Complexity

Good Names and Bad Names of Game Shows and theorems

 In my post on Alex Trebek, see here, I noted that Jeopardy! is not a good name for the game show since it doesn't tell you much about the show. Perhaps Answers...

Parsing Floating-point Numbers Really Fast in C#
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Parsing Floating-point Numbers Really Fast in C#

Programmers often write out numbers as strings (e.g., 3.1416) and they want to read back the numbers from the string. If you read and write JSON or CSV files, you...

The Problem with Treating Data as a Commodity
From Schneier on Security

The Problem with Treating Data as a Commodity

Excellent Brookings paper: “Why data ownership is the wrong approach to protecting privacy.” From the introduction: Treating data like it is property fails to recognize...

Linux and Open Source Go to Mars
From The Eponymous Pickle

Linux and Open Source Go to Mars

Big follower of astronomy and astronautics.   Connections to modern computing are also of continued interest.   The latest efforts to Mars are instructive.  What...

Microsoft Big Quantum Win was a Mistake
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Big Quantum Win was a Mistake

Interesting,  recall the announcement then, mostly technical points are made here, but worth noting.   Not clear then hw this will effect Microsoft's work in the...

Modernizing Data Dashboards.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Modernizing Data Dashboards.

Good thoughts, somewhat obvious, but still useful tips about the ideas involved. Modernizing Data Dashboards. Posted by Technovert Solutions on February 21, 2021...

Great Innovative Idea: Using Computer Modeling to Effectively Prioritize and Distribute the COVID-19 Vaccine
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea: Using Computer Modeling to Effectively Prioritize and Distribute the COVID-19 Vaccine

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Daniel Larremore, Assistant Professor at University of Colorado Boulder Computer Science Department and the BioFrontier...

Amazon Alexa Crowdsources New Products
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Alexa Crowdsources New Products

Interesting approach will examine further and post here.  Thoughts about usefulness?Amazon is using crowdsourcing to create new products   by Tom Ryan  in Retailwire...

Technology Impacting Supply Chains
From The Eponymous Pickle

Technology Impacting Supply Chains

 Good thoughts, all players should examine these methods.Blockchain and RPA Leading Supply Chain Trends in 2021  By Marisa Brown, APQCIt is worrisome to note that...

Communicating with Dreaming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Communicating with Dreaming

Recall our early dream experiments.   Could this re-open our sleep learning goals?Scientists Communicated With People While They Were Lucid Dreaming  By ShellyWe...

Octopai Announces Support of Snowflake
From insideHPC

Octopai Announces Support of Snowflake

Tel Aviv – February 22, 2021 – Octopai, the leader in Automated Data Lineage and Data Discovery, announced today its support and analysis of Snowflake, the fastest...

More No and Low Code Emerges
From The Eponymous Pickle

More No and Low Code Emerges

More solutions, but have yet to see them widely used.   Would want to see them strongly tested for security issues.   Probably open source to allow that? Low-code...

Storage as a Service in AWS
From insideHPC

Storage as a Service in AWS

In this sponsored post, Shailesh Manjrekar, Head of AI and Strategic Alliances, WekaIO, explores “storage as a service” in using AWS, and how this is made possible...
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