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Deloitte Teams with Nvidia on Deloitte Center for AI Computing
From insideHPC

Deloitte Teams with Nvidia on Deloitte Center for AI Computing

Consulting firm Deloitte today announced the launch of the Deloitte Center for AI Computing, designed to accelerate development of artificial intelligence solutions...

ECP Announces 2021 Community Birds-of-a-Feather Days
From insideHPC

ECP Announces 2021 Community Birds-of-a-Feather Days

March 1, 2021 – The US Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has announced the ECP 2021 Community BOF Days, Birds-of-a-Feather sessions for the...

Space Hotel being Planned for 2025
From The Eponymous Pickle

Space Hotel being Planned for 2025

Cost details lacking but plans starting. World's first space HOTEL to begin construction in low Earth orbit in 2025 complete with restaurants, cinemas and rooms...

IBM Cloud Satellites:  Watson and the Edge
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Cloud Satellites: Watson and the Edge

Towards more secure data via satellites.  Secure Data as a Service.IBM Cloud Satellite Enables Clients to Deliver Cloud Securely in Any Environment Including at...

Catalyzing Computing Podcast Episode 31 – Autonomous Flight and Landing on Mars with Behçet Açikmeşe (Part 1)
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Catalyzing Computing Podcast Episode 31 – Autonomous Flight and Landing on Mars with Behçet Açikmeşe (Part 1)

A new episode of the Computing Community Consortium‘s (CCC) official podcast, Catalyzing Computing, is now available. In this episode, Khari Douglas (CCC Senior...

Artificial Intelligence is Critical to National Security, Defense, U.S. Economy, and Worthy of Significant New Investment, Congressionally-chartered Commission Argues in Final Report
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Artificial Intelligence is Critical to National Security, Defense, U.S. Economy, and Worthy of Significant New Investment, Congressionally-chartered Commission Argues in Final Report

The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, a congressionally-chartered committee charged with reviewing AI and related technologies and making...

New Cornell Virtual HPC, Data Science, Machine Learning Workshops at XSEDE
From insideHPC

New Cornell Virtual HPC, Data Science, Machine Learning Workshops at XSEDE

ITHACA, NY – Cornell University announced today that four new Cornell Virtual Workshop training topics are available at the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery...

Global Variances in Digital Trust
From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Variances in Digital Trust

 Digital Trust, supposedly accurately measured.  Had not seen this before, probably useful if accurate.   The components of the measure also seem  they would be...

Panasas Expands Senior Team with Addition of Tech Veterans Todd Ruff and Brian Reed   
From insideHPC

Panasas Expands Senior Team with Addition of Tech Veterans Todd Ruff and Brian Reed  

SUNNYVALE, Calif. – March 1, 2021 – Panasas announced today that Todd Ruff, vice president of marketing, and Brian Reed, vice president of product and alliances...

DigiDog Policing Dog and Privacy
From The Eponymous Pickle

DigiDog Policing Dog and Privacy

Seems the outgrowth of the 'Spot' dog,  design from Boston Dynamics, which I have been following.  Here called DigiDog.  Not sure what this sure what this has to...

Tezos and Wolfram for Blockchain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tezos and Wolfram for Blockchain

 New to me, and interesting, with quite a bit of detail and even sample code.  Will be examining smart contract implications.Third-Generation Blockchain Functionality...

IBM Makes Encryption Paradox Practical  in IEEE Spectrum
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Makes Encryption Paradox Practical in IEEE Spectrum

More on FHE and IBM.   From IEEE Spectrum ... IBM Makes Encryption Paradox Practical  in IEEE Spectrum“Fully homomorphic” cryptography allows partial access toBy...

HPC Industry Analyst Firm Intersect360 Research Hires Dan Olds as Chief Research Officer
From insideHPC

HPC Industry Analyst Firm Intersect360 Research Hires Dan Olds as Chief Research Officer

SUNNYVALE, CA—March 1, 2021— HPC, AI and hyperscale analyst firm Intersect360 Research has named Dan Olds its chief research officer, effective March 1. A 25-year...

NERSC, ALCF, Codeplay Partner on SYCL GPU Compiler
From insideHPC

NERSC, ALCF, Codeplay Partner on SYCL GPU Compiler

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF)...

2FA as Security
From The Eponymous Pickle

2FA as Security

 Good overview piece abut 2FA and beyond. Is MFA Needed to Improve Security?By Keith Kirkpatrick   Commissioned by CACM Staff    February 25, 2021Many corporate...

From Computational Complexity

Using number-of-PhD's as a measure of smartness is stupid.

In Thor:Ragnorak Bruce Banner mentions that he has 7 PhDs. Gee, I wonder how he managed to slip that into a conversation casually.  Later in the movie:Bruce: IDouble...

Universities Capturing More Value from Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

Universities Capturing More Value from Research

 Sounds akin to our own work on gathering value from research.   Our recent work with the DOD to understand what research it has paid for, and can be monetizedShould...

BERT for Unsupervised Training
From The Eponymous Pickle

BERT for Unsupervised Training

 A nice, fairly compact, somewhat technical view of how to use BERT for unsupervised training problems.    And some unexpected uses.  True, everyone should know...

RPA Examined
From The Eponymous Pickle

RPA Examined

See also aspects of business process modeling for extensions to the idea.  And likely combination with broader methods of ML and AISome thoughts on RPA: By Maria...

ECP: SuperLU Library Speeds Direct Solution of Large Sparse Linear Systems on HPC and Exascale Hardware
From insideHPC

ECP: SuperLU Library Speeds Direct Solution of Large Sparse Linear Systems on HPC and Exascale Hardware

Technology consultant and writer Rob Farber wrote the following on behalf of the Exascale Computing Project. Lower-upper (LU) factorization is an important numerical...
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