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Communications of the ACM



Center for Business Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Center for Business Analytics

In development and talking to:The UC Center for Business Analytics (CBA) brings together organizations and a world-class, multidisciplinary group of faculty and...

A Real Movie-Plot Threat Contest
From Schneier on Security

A Real Movie-Plot Threat Contest

The "Australia's Security Nightmares: The National Security Short Story Competition" is part of Safeguarding Australia 2012. To aid the national security community...

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

One of the things I hear from university computer science faculty on a regular basis is that they have trouble retaining students. What happens is that students...

USACM Expresses Concerns Over Support For Scientific And Technical Conferences
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Expresses Concerns Over Support For Scientific And Technical Conferences

Part of the response to the reported excesses in conference spending involving the General Services Administration has been to restrict conference and travel spending...

Driving Profitability with Retail Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Driving Profitability with Retail Analytics

From the current issue of Analytics Magazine.  An excellent, practical publication that deals with quantitative analytical methods.  Here: " ... How to make choices...

NSF’s CISE, OCI Leadership Issue Letter to Community
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF’s CISE, OCI Leadership Issue Letter to Community

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announced an organizational realignment last week, including plans to integrate the Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) within...

A New Internet Association
From The Eponymous Pickle

A New Internet Association

From the Precursor Blog:" ... Google, Amazon, eBay, and Facebook reportedly are launching a new Internet Association in mid-September to be "the unified voice of...

Unilever Balancing Creativity and Sales
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Balancing Creativity and Sales

In Adage:  " ... The task of delivering on both sales and creativity falls to Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Keith Weed, a career Unilever executive...

Grad School + Baby: Why Tracking Time is Useful
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Grad School + Baby: Why Tracking Time is Useful

Last week was the official start to the fall semester, which also marks my official return to being a student. This time, things are a little different: I haveI've...

OSS2012 Keynote
From Wild WebMink

OSS2012 Keynote

What’s driving open source in 2012? I presented a keynote address at OSS2012, the 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems this morning. My talk, entitled...

From Computational Complexity

Some quantum Stuff

Two quantum announcements (emailed to me by Umesh Vazirani, and produced here almost exactly) and then some thoughts of mine quantum computing. Announcement one...

New Attack Against Chip-and-Pin Systems
From Schneier on Security

New Attack Against Chip-and-Pin Systems

Well, new to us: You see, an EMV payment card authenticates itself with a MAC of transaction data, for which the freshly generated component is the unpredictable...

From design fiction to experiential futures
From Putting People First

From design fiction to experiential futures

In honor of its Ten-year Anniversary, the Association of Professional Futurists (yes, they exist!) launched its first publication, The Future of Futures. Edited...

Peter Merholz on Reframing 'UX Design'
From Putting People First

Peter Merholz on Reframing 'UX Design'

Peter Merholz, a UX thinker and practitioner whom I have always held in high esteem, has written a well thought through blog post on reframing UX design. The two...

P&G Decision Cockpit Detailed
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Decision Cockpit Detailed

P&G's CIO Filippo Passerini provides some detail about P&G's long in development Decision Cockpit, the brains behind the Business Sphere information delivery approach...

Intel conversations about the future
From Putting People First

Intel conversations about the future

Intel dabbles in science fiction, titles ReadWriteWeb. On Monday, they write, Intel debuted a book of science fiction stories. Dubbed Imaging the Future And Building...

The bling approach to the school of the future
From Putting People First

The bling approach to the school of the future

Recently I have been exploring developments on the impact of new technologies on the future of education, particularly in high schools. The latest trend in education...

New School Year Brings New Round of “CS Bits & Bytes”
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New School Year Brings New Round of “CS Bits & Bytes”

With the start of the 2012-13 school year, the National Science Foundation (NSF) yesterday released the first issue of the second volume of CS Bits & Bytes, focusing...

Security at the 9/11 WTC Memorial
From Schneier on Security

Security at the 9/11 WTC Memorial

There's a lot: Advance tickets are required to enter this public, outdoor memorial. To book them, you’re obliged to provide your home address, email address, and...

Are You The Best Part Of A Student’s Day/
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Are You The Best Part Of A Student’s Day/

Yesterday is used a quote from an educator friend of mine that “I may be the best thing that happens in my students and my staff's lives that day. I can handle...
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