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Communications of the ACM



Marko Ahtisaari, “Nokia’s visionary,” wants to “out-design Apple”
From Putting People First

Marko Ahtisaari, “Nokia’s visionary,” wants to “out-design Apple”

Marko Athisaari, Nokia’s head of design, is pushing a general overall vision where advanced function is blended into unforgettable form¿post-industrial form. The...

From Computational Complexity

The Time of Research

Among the many conference/journal discussions, one systems person said the reason they don't publish in journals is that their work is very dependent on current...

Intel annual ‘Mobile Etiquette’ study examines online sharing behaviors around the world
From Putting People First

Intel annual ‘Mobile Etiquette’ study examines online sharing behaviors around the world

According to a recent multi-country study commissioned by Intel Corporation and conducted by Ipsos Observer on “Mobile Etiquette,” the majority of adults and teens...

Consumers say no to mobile apps that grab too much data
From Putting People First

Consumers say no to mobile apps that grab too much data

A study by the Pew Research Center, released Wednesday, found that among Americans adults who use smartphone apps, half had decided not to install applications...

How Sports is Embracing Big Data
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

How Sports is Embracing Big Data

We’ve blogged extensively in this space over the last few months about the promise of Big Data science and engineering, including stories describing how very large...

Database of 12 Million Apple UDIDs Haked
From Schneier on Security

Database of 12 Million Apple UDIDs Haked

In this story, we learn that hackers got their hands on a database of 12 million Apple Apple Unique Device Identifiers (UDIDs) by hacking an FBI laptop. When I...

Marginal Revolution University
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marginal Revolution University

MJ Perry reports on online instruction at Marginal University.  Another example of college courses online." ... We think education should be better, cheaper, and...

Developing Digital Strategy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Developing Digital Strategy

Well thought out piece .in Mashable. " ... When defining and developing strategy, marketers and agencies must ensure that their clients understand that strategy...

Supply Chain Book
From The Eponymous Pickle

Supply Chain Book

I was introduced to a new and visually instructive book on optimizing the supply chain:   Supply Chain Network Design: Applying Optimization and Analytics to the...

New MS Logo
From The Eponymous Pickle

New MS Logo

A new logo for MS, also has some links to past logos of Windows.  We traveled to Redmond way back then during Windows 1, talked to Gates, who tried to convince...

Teaching Robots to Improvise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Teaching Robots to Improvise

More on robots improvising.  An important step.The ones that will ultimately be able to sense. react to and plan for their future under a given set of goals will...

It’s Not Just The Hugos
From Wild WebMink

It’s Not Just The Hugos

DRM farces are like London buses. You wait for ever, and then several come along at once. After writing my story for ComputerWorld about the blackout of the Hugo...

<i>Wall Street Journal</i> Review of <i>Liars and Outliers</i>
From Schneier on Security

Wall Street Journal Review of Liars and Outliers

Liars and Outliers (along with two other books: Kip Hawley's memoir of his time at the TSA and Against Security, by Harvey Molotch) has been reviewed in the Wall...

From Computational Complexity

Theory Day at UMCP Oct 24

The University of Maryland at College park is having a Theory Day on Wed Oct 24! Come hear Distinguished talks by Julia Chuzhoy and Venkataesan Guruswami! Short...

Hacking Brain-Computer Interfaces
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Brain-Computer Interfaces

In this fascinating piece of research, the question is asked: can we surreptitiously collect secret information from the brains of people using brain-computer interface...

But I had to grow bigger.  So bigger I got.
From My Biased Coin

But I had to grow bigger. So bigger I got.

First day of lecture for CS 222, Algorithms at the End of the Wire.  They stuck me in a classroom that holds 20 comfortably, and 25 or so can be done.  I'm pretty...

"We are the Faces of Computing" Poster Contest Launches
From Computer Science Teachers Association

"We are the Faces of Computing" Poster Contest Launches

The CSTA is pleased to announce the launching of its student poster contest, "We are the Faces of Computing". For this contest, students are asked to create a poster...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Thinking Out of the Notation Box

How we cope with overloaded words and symbols src Georg Cantor invented not only the concepts of transfinite cardinal and ordinal numbers, but also the notation...

Judea Pearl’s Turing Lecture Now Available on Video
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Judea Pearl’s Turing Lecture Now Available on Video

As we blogged in this space last month, Judea Pearl – winner of the 2011 ACM A. M. Turing Award ”for fundamental contributions to artificial intelligence through...

From Computational Complexity

Should we learn from the Masters or from the Pupils?

The following is a paraphrase of a comment at the end of the Suggested Readings section of Spivak's calculus book: Abel remarked that he attributed his profound...
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