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From Computational Complexity

The Net or the Jet

I spent the first half of my life in the jet age but not in the Internet age. I could fly anywhere in the world but the fastest way to get a research paper to another...

Promoting Technology-Mediated Social Participation with a Summer Social Webshop
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Promoting Technology-Mediated Social Participation with a Summer Social Webshop

The following is a special contribution to this blog by Jenny Korn, a Ph.D. student in communications at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Korn was one of the...

Cloud Fundamentals Video Series
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Cloud Fundamentals Video Series

The Trustworthy Computing group has been recording a series on Cloud computing fundamentals. The series (some 25 videos) wraps up this week with a series finale...

Choosing Social Network Models
From The Eponymous Pickle

Choosing Social Network Models

From Wharton:  An extensive piece on the topic.  " ... Recent downturns in the stock price of several social media companies -- several of which debuted to much...

NSF Issues New Solicitation for Sustainability (SEES) Fellows
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Issues New Solicitation for Sustainability (SEES) Fellows

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued a solicitation for its Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) Fellows program, paving the...

Connect and Development Opportunities: Unstructured Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Connect and Development Opportunities: Unstructured Data

I just received a list of needs from P&G's Connect and Development outreach via P&G's alumni network that may be of interest to this group.  The all have elements...

Tiny Machines
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tiny Machines

Via the Foresight Institute Richard Feynman's seminal 1959  talk on nanotechnology: Tiny Machines. And also a talk: There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom.  Foresight Institute is...

Network Wide Inventory Reduction
From The Eponymous Pickle

Network Wide Inventory Reduction

As part of my continued look at supply chain technologies and measures I found this excellent article:  Supply Chain News:  How Do Companies Perceive Opportunities...

Big Data Meets Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Meets Cloud

Forbes article on how big data meets the Cloud.    A good piece by Forrester on the use of many resources, internal and external to drive business intelligence....

Shared Lock
From Schneier on Security

Shared Lock

A reader sent me this photo of a shared lock. It's at the gate of a large ranch outside of Victoria, Texas. Multiple padlocks secure the device, but when a single...

DARPA Seeking Unconventional Processors for ISR Data Analysis
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DARPA Seeking Unconventional Processors for ISR Data Analysis

Earlier this month, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced a new initiative that aims “to break the status quo of digital processing” by...

Report: Managing Megacities (by UX Lab at Ericsson Research)
From Putting People First

Report: Managing Megacities (by UX Lab at Ericsson Research)

Megacities may be congested and complex, but are also among the planet’s most exciting places to live. They have proven effective at stimulating creativity, innovation...

What data can’t tell you about customers
From Putting People First

What data can’t tell you about customers

Across industries, companies are using the vast amounts of user-generated data to guide innovation of new products and services. But data mining does not equate...

Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics

I ran into these Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics created by the Computer Ethics Institute while looking for something completely different. Isn’t that so often...

Quick links
From Geeking with Greg

Quick links

Some of what has caught my attention lately: Pump and dump, both at the Facebook and Groupon IPOs. ([1] [2]) "The thrilling demise of Groupon's crummy business...

Next Generation Science Standards Should Include CS
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Next Generation Science Standards Should Include CS

On May 11, the Washington, DC-based group Achieve released its first public draft of the "Next Generation Science Standards" or NGSS. These standards, coupledComputing...

Full Scale Virtual Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

Full Scale Virtual Research

I had the pleasure of visiting John Milby's Full Scale Virtual Research Lab today.  Got a great tour and technical discussion of work underway there.  I worked"...

Further Rise of the Visual
From The Eponymous Pickle

Further Rise of the Visual

In Fast Company:   All is becoming more visual, shorter and simpler.  Pinterest and Video.  Info graphics.  With an emphasis on entertaining rather than informing...

Hollowing of the Middle Class?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hollowing of the Middle Class?

M J Perry reports on the recent PEW report on the 'Hollowing of the Middle Class'.  " ... But 150 Americans Moved Up for Every 100 Who Moved Down Between 1971 and...

Luis von Ahn Featured in NBC Learn Video on Crowdsourcing
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Luis von Ahn Featured in NBC Learn Video on Crowdsourcing

NBC Learn — the educational arm of NBC News — is out with a new video about crowdsourcing, featuring Carnegie Mellon University computer scientist Luis von Ahn...
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