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Communications of the ACM



Kodu: Mars Edition
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Kodu: Mars Edition

Did you follow the landing of the latest Mars rover – Curiosity? Well if you did or even if you just know a bunch of space crazy students the latest version ofKodu...

P&G Digital Gold
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Digital Gold

In AdWeek:   A look at what P&G has done with digital and the Olympics.  Also a mention that augmented reality saw little traffic.    " ... Procter & Gamble's...

Vipin Kumar to Receive 2012 ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Vipin Kumar to Receive 2012 ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award

Vipin Kumar, the William Norris Professor and head of computer science and engineering at the University of Minnesota, will receive the Association for Computing...

Interesting Links 6 August 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 6 August 2012

What a great week last week was. My big planned event was a meeting of the ACM/IEEE CS 2013 committee in Seattle WA. As it turns out that meant I was able to attend...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Just brought to my attention by Jeff Dyck:  Coupsmart.  Of interest they write:CoupSmart's Mission:  Marketing Should Be SimpleAnd by simple, well, we mean simple...

Breaking Microsoft's PPTP Protocol
From Schneier on Security

Breaking Microsoft's PPTP Protocol

Some things never change. Thirteen years ago, Mudge and I published a paper breaking Microsoft's PPTP protocol and the MS-CHAP authentication system. I haven't...

MinkCast: Explaining OmniOS
From Wild WebMink

MinkCast: Explaining OmniOS

Despite Oracle pulling out, OpenSolaris lives on as Illumos, which is a loose-knit open source community with multiple downstream projects. One of those is the...

Lead with a Story
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lead with a Story

From a colleague of mine, Paul Smith, who reports on the publication of his book on an important topic, storytelling.  Looks to be a great read, will follow with...

Big Data and Social Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data and Social Business

Via InformationWeek:  As we see more social and mobile data being collected the potential of its use is growing rapidly.  " ... One of the key properties of social...

Toward a R&D Roadmap for Privacy
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Toward a R&D Roadmap for Privacy

The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) – a non-partisan, Washington, DC-based think tank that aims to formulate and promote public policies to...

State-by-State Report on Electronic Voting
From Schneier on Security

State-by-State Report on Electronic Voting

The Verified Voting Foundation has released a comprehensive state-by-state report on electronic voting machines (report, executive summary, and news coverage)....

EU Procurement Failures
From Wild WebMink

EU Procurement Failures

How do you do open procurement for ICT solutions? The answer, according to the European Commission, is to ensure that all procurement that requires tendering (and...

Security Innovation Network
From The Eponymous Pickle

Security Innovation Network

Colleague Julie Anixter does an interview with Robert Rodriguez about Security Innovation Networks.  " ... to advance innovation and enable global collaboration...

Patient-Mounted Disposable Health Robotics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Patient-Mounted Disposable Health Robotics

Another example of heath robotics, which I have started to study more closely.  A number of examples that gather health data exist already, for minimizing labor...

Ottawa Ladies: Learn to Program With Processing in My Upcoming Workshop
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Ottawa Ladies: Learn to Program With Processing in My Upcoming Workshop

I'm hosting a full-day workshop on programming using Processing in a couple of weeks.  It's part of Girl Develop It Ottawa, which was founded to help non-technical...

My History of the Internet
From The Eponymous Pickle

My History of the Internet

Have been reading much lately about how the Internet emerged.  Debating how it was funded.  It happened I experienced much of it first as an early user at the Pentagon...

Reading A Speech
From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Reading A Speech

How to read a speech, if you must George Peterson is the President of the Georgia Institute of Technology, but he likes to be called "Bud." He is our eleventh president...

What marketing executives should know about user experience
From Putting People First

What marketing executives should know about user experience

“What marketing executives should know about user experience” is the title of a short and introductory piece, mainly aimed at marketing people, by Nick Myers, managing...

Social media’s neoliberal world view (and how it affects us all)
From Putting People First

Social media’s neoliberal world view (and how it affects us all)

Recently I have embarked on trying to understand better the underlying ideology and world view of the Silicon Valley tech scene, and how this is impacting our daily...

What We are Learning about Online Education
From The Eponymous Pickle

What We are Learning about Online Education

A TED video by Daphne Koller of Coursera" ... enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free -- not just as a service, but as a...
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