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Communications of the ACM



Caerus Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Caerus Analytics

Brought to my attention.  Caerus Analytics.    " ... pushes the boundaries of social and data science to find meaning in complexity. We develop rigorous, innovative...

Robot Hands
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robot Hands

Helping the disabled, at home and office ...  with fundamentally re-designed robot hand.  In Engadget.  Video.

Psychobiological Bases of Personality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Psychobiological Bases of Personality

Christophe Morin on this intriguing topic.  With links to a number of papers on the subject, from Pavlov and beyond.  Particularly key to see aspects other than...

Hiring For Core Values
From Wild WebMink

Hiring For Core Values

Back at Sun, I believe much of the blame for the company’s failure between 2001 and 2004 – from which the later, otherwise successful open source and hardware appliance...

Massively Available Online Courses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Massively Available Online Courses

What will the response be from classic educational venues?  Considering a strategic response.

Hive Group London Medals Treemap
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hive Group London Medals Treemap

The Hive group provides a treemap data visualization map for medals at the London 2012 Olympics.  Among a gallery of other visualization examples for complex data...

Friday Squid Blogging: SQUIDS and Quantum Computing
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: SQUIDS and Quantum Computing

It seems that quantum computers might use superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security...

Brand Creatures
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brand Creatures

In HBR: I found this idea of creatures for a brand interesting because I had a project that tried to integrate Mr. Clean and the use of artificial intelligence....

Unilever Supply Chain Innovations
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Supply Chain Innovations

In SCIDigest:  This approach is becoming increasingly common.  " ... Supply Chain News: Unilever Says Its Supplier Partnership Program is Paying Big Dividends  ...

The Open Source Stimulus Plan
From Wild WebMink

The Open Source Stimulus Plan

My column for InfoWorld this week considers the unseen value open source brings into the economy, and references this keynote from OSCON by Tim O’Reilly.

Unsafe Safes
From Schneier on Security

Unsafe Safes

In a long article about insecurities in gun safes, there's this great paragraph: Unfortunately, manufacturers and consumers are deceived and misled into a false...

Local Professional Development Rocks!
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Local Professional Development Rocks!

Last week I was honored to present and attend CSTA Rocks Ohio! in Columbus, Ohio. This workshop, sponsored by CSTA and Google, was attended by 35 other CS educators...

A post-industrial point of view
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

A post-industrial point of view

We can roughly sketch human history as follows: Initially, everything was expensive for human beings. Farming made food cheap. The industrial revolution made goods...

High Tech SuperMarkets
From The Eponymous Pickle

High Tech SuperMarkets

Nothing very new here. But in Mashable, a list and vendor overview of advanced, often mobile tech being seen increasingly often in the supermarket. Though most...

AAMAS, CCC Running Challenges and Visions Track
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

AAMAS, CCC Running Challenges and Visions Track

In cooperation with the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is pleased to invite...

Overreaction and Overly Specific Reactions to Rare Risks
From Schneier on Security

Overreaction and Overly Specific Reactions to Rare Risks

Horrific events, such as the massacre in Aurora, can be catalysts for social and political change. Sometimes it seems that they're the only catalyst; recall how...

Book: UX Best Practices
From Putting People First

Book: UX Best Practices

UX Best Practices – How to Achieve More Impact with User Experience Helmut Degen & Xiaowei Yuan (Eds.) McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2011 ISBN-10: 007175251X, ISBN...

Ethnography for user experience
From Putting People First

Ethnography for user experience

In three essays John Payne, Principal of Moment’s Experience Design practice, reflects on his workshop, Ethnography for User Experience, and their field research...

Intel’s futurist envisions life in 2022
From Putting People First

Intel’s futurist envisions life in 2022

Brian David Johnson gets paid to predict the future. He is the first, the one, and the only futurist at Intel, charged with envisioning how people will interact...

Transforming Engineering Education
From The Eponymous Pickle

Transforming Engineering Education

Correspondent David Goldberg points me to the BigBeacon blog.    A movement to transform engineering education ... Which also syndicates some of his writing on...
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