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HP, Open Source and OpenStack
From Wild WebMink

HP, Open Source and OpenStack

  While HP was making plenty of noise at OSCON about its deployment of OpenStack as HP Cloud, it was the discovery that they have moved their open source program...

Microstyle: Writing Little
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microstyle: Writing Little

Reading: Microstyle, The Art of Writing Little, by Christopher Johnson.  About the rise of compressed writing in things like branding and social networks.     So...

Criminals Using Commercial Spamflooding Services
From Schneier on Security

Criminals Using Commercial Spamflooding Services

Cybercriminals are using commercial spamflooding services to distract their victims during key moments of a cyberattack. Clever, but in retrospect kind of obvious...

Package Goods Beats Sales Expectaton
From The Eponymous Pickle

Package Goods Beats Sales Expectaton

All but one major packaged goods company has exceeded sales expectations.  Spending increases. The pressure is on. In AdAge.

Global Intelligence and Advanced Data Discovery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Intelligence and Advanced Data Discovery

Manny Aparicio of Saffron Technology sends along this note and links to supporting video:"At this year’s Gartner BI Summit in Los Angeles, Rita Sallam identified...

Curriculum is Hard
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Curriculum is Hard

I’ve been involved in a number of curriculum projects over the years. The big one has been the ACM/IEEE CS 2013 task force that is making recommendations on undergraduate...

Wal-Mart Labs and Social Shopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Labs and Social Shopping

In ReadWriteWeb:     Another look at Wal-Mart Labs. I like to think that they were inspired somewhat by our work.    " ... “Transaction data often works, but it...

Interest in K-12 Policy Growing
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Interest in K-12 Policy Growing

I just returned from the Snowbird Conference in Utah and I was astounded at the level of attendee interest in education policy issues relating to computer science...

DARPA Unshredding Challenge
From The Eponymous Pickle

DARPA Unshredding Challenge

In CACM:  Solved it says.   I encountered a related problem very early in my enterprise career.  Not involved with anything secret.   We partially solved the problem...

Simplified Programming for Expertise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Simplified Programming for Expertise

Domain Specific Languages (DSL) have been proposed for years to bring the capability of computer programming to the non computing domain expert. By formulatingComputerWorld...

“Imagining Tomorrow’s Computers Today”
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

“Imagining Tomorrow’s Computers Today”

Following a talk at the Euroscience Open Forum earlier this month, Intel principal engineer and futurist Brian David Johnson sat down with ScienceNOW to discuss...

Predicting Illness
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting Illness

In New Scientist:  Here using data  that comes from Twitter.  I mentioned worked we did some years ago that used over the counter sales data.  Twitter data is probably...

Police Sting Operation Yields No Mobile Phone Thefts
From Schneier on Security

Police Sting Operation Yields No Mobile Phone Thefts

Police in Hastings, in the UK, outfitted mobile phones with tracking devices and left them in bars and restaurants, hoping to catch mobile phone thieves in thestole...

Call For Participation
From Wild WebMink

Call For Participation

Have you ever attended an open source conference? In my article for ComputerWorldUK today, I briefly review four good choices that you can attend over the next...

Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative Mobile Talks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative Mobile Talks

In the latest Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative newsletter there are a number of videos from a recent conference that deal with mobile customer behavior.  Here...

Explaining OSI Membership
From Wild WebMink

Explaining OSI Membership

The video of my keynote at OSCON is now live on YouTube: That link I mentioned:

Offshoring and Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Offshoring and Innovation

In CIO: Can off shoring inhibit innovation?  Only if it is poorly integrated with other corporate missions.

Playable Quests
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Playable Quests

Quests in video games are a nice way to give players choices to make and offer a story line that seems a bit less linear.  Have you noticed, though, that most quests...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Facts No One Really Checks

Basic theorems that rarely get proved in full detail Laura Smoller is not a theorist, but a historian at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. She sports the...

From Computational Complexity

The Combinatorics of Batman

(I wrote this post about a year ago but waited until the new Batmanmovie came out to post it. I haven't seen the movie yet sothere may more possibilities to add...
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