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Communications of the ACM



Social Integration in Search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Integration in Search

Social integration of search Is mentioned as being deepened by Bing and Google+.  We examined this general idea for some time as it related to corporate knowledge...

Imperfect Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Imperfect Data

In the early days of executive information systems we first dealt with the questions of whose data was right?  All data is imperfect, but what are the consequences...

Camera-Transparent Plastic
From Schneier on Security

Camera-Transparent Plastic

I just wrote about the coming age of invisible surveillance. Here's another step along that process. The material is black in color and cannot be seen through...

Brands Talk to Users on Foresquare
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brands Talk to Users on Foresquare

In a new development, brands can communicate to their most frequent check-ins via Foursquare.  Making the interaction bi directional in useful ways has been talked...

OSI Opens For Membership
From Wild WebMink

OSI Opens For Membership

You can finally join OSI. I’ve had a busy day at OSCON in Portland, OR today (apologies if I’ve been missing your messages and/or deadlines…) where interest around...

CPG Lags in Social Media
From The Eponymous Pickle

CPG Lags in Social Media

Not unexpected.  CPG often lacks in their following of many technical innovations.

Important Information for NSF SaTC CAREER Proposals
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Important Information for NSF SaTC CAREER Proposals

For those planning to submit CAREER proposals to NSF/CISE for the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program — the CAREER deadline is Monday, July 23rd —...

Five Advocacy Actions You Can Do in Ten Minutes or Less
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Five Advocacy Actions You Can Do in Ten Minutes or Less

In our fast-paced, digitally connected world, we all seem to have less time but more work. Productivity experts will tell you that you have to focus on your number...

Saving Retail with Focused Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Saving Retail with Focused Apps

A good case study of the use of APIs at Walgreens for photo prints.  Simple ways of bringing digital into physical spaces.

From The Eponymous Pickle


Brought back to my attention:TELLNGO is an innovative Consumer & Shopper Marketing Service Agency. We specialize in enhancing Trial, Conversion, Purchases and...

Why we make up jobs out of thin air
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Why we make up jobs out of thin air

“We prefer to invent new jobs rather than trying harder and inventing a new system that wouldn’t require everybody to have a job.” (Philippe Beaudoin) In the XXIst...

Chinese Airline Rewards Crew for Resisting Hijackers
From Schneier on Security

Chinese Airline Rewards Crew for Resisting Hijackers

Normally, companies instruct their employees not to resist. But Hainan Airlines did the opposite: Two safety officers and the chief purser got cash and property...

Radical Openness
From The Eponymous Pickle

Radical Openness

Have been looking at the topic of open innovation lately.  How about radical openness?  A post by former colleague Donna Sturgess.

From Computational Complexity

CCC 2012: Post 2 of n

CC 2012. I still don't know what n is. I summarize the second day of the conference. Wednesday June 27 Morning Session: A Satisfiable Algorithm and Average Case...

2012 Microsoft Research Faculty Summit Day Two
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2012 Microsoft Research Faculty Summit Day Two

Rick Rashid who created and runs Microsoft Research gave the opening keynote for day two. I found it interesting that when they started Microsoft Research they...

NCR Pursues Square
From The Eponymous Pickle

NCR Pursues Square

In GigaOM:Local manufacturer NCR, inventor of the the modern mechanical cash register, is in pursuit of Square,with what they are calling NCR Silver.  Lots of groups...

Associative Memories in Vivo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Associative Memories in Vivo

Some neural fingerprints of memory are decoded. A first tiny step towards experimentally verifiable results like neuromarketing, neural control and memory interfaces...

Business Analytics, Past and Future
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Analytics, Past and Future

I have been a long time practitioner of business analytics, the use of quantitative methods to improve business processes. Starting at the Defense Department, where...

Innovation Tournament
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Tournament

FromWharton: A March madness of innovation?   I am not sure it works well for innovation, since crowd sourcing the measures to evaluate innovation results are not...

DARPA Seeking “Radical Innovation” in Data Analytics
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DARPA Seeking “Radical Innovation” in Data Analytics

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has joined forces with George Mason University to launch the Innovation House Study, seeking to foster ”radical...
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