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Visual Curation and Shopping in Pinterest
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visual Curation and Shopping in Pinterest

In the NYTimes Mag:  A breezy look at what has come to be known as 'visual curation' in systems like Pinterest .    Asked by a connection to look at the relevance...

Macy's and Shopkick
From The Eponymous Pickle

Macy's and Shopkick

Macy's promotes mobile shopping for coeds using Shopkick.  In their blog.  Exclusive deals and rewards for simply walking into one of their 800 US locations.  An...

Metadata and the Stroop Effect
From The Eponymous Pickle

Metadata and the Stroop Effect

The Stroop effect is a clinical test that measures differences in reaction time when you are shown information that confirms or contradicts your own views, conscious...

Is Freemium Done?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Is Freemium Done?

In GigaOM: Freemium, the model of providing valuable, but limited in some way services free to attract large numbers of 'eyeballs' with the opportunity to up-sell...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

How Good Is Your Translator?

Using fixed points to measure language translators Franz Ochs is a computer scientist whose main research is on machine translation of natural languages. He got...

Google+ Again
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google+ Again

Just had need to go back and use Google+ again.  Had been noticing a number of things written about its demise.  Also this article warning it was not quite dead...

From The Eponymous Pickle


A piece in the WSJ by the Numbers Guy about a recent study regarding how too much sitting could cause an early death.  Well done, a classic correlation vs causation...

SAS Loves Math
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAS Loves Math

A series in SAS Voices.  Which looks at how math is used in industry and at home.  And how it relates to business analytics.   Great to point out to students who...

Friday Squid Blogging: Preserved Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Preserved Squid

Science or art? As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Upcoming Conferences: RecSys, HCIR, CIKM
From The Noisy Channel

Upcoming Conferences: RecSys, HCIR, CIKM

Long-time readers know that I have strong opinions about academic conferences. I find the main value of conferences and workshops to be facilitating face-to-face...

Point-and-Shoot Game Creation
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Point-and-Shoot Game Creation

Were you ever the type to pick up a newspaper just so you could complete the crossword puzzle? Apparently this was a point of entry into the paper for many people...

First GraphLab Workshop on Large-scale Machine Learning
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

First GraphLab Workshop on Large-scale Machine Learning

The following is a special contribution to this blog by Carlos Guestrin, who will be joining the faculty of the University of Washington computer science and engineering...

CPG and Eye Tracking
From The Eponymous Pickle

CPG and Eye Tracking

Colleague Herb Sorensen comments on the use of eye tracking by CPG companies in RetailWire.  True,this has become common, and more analytical work is needed " ....

Four Researchers Honored With 2012 Dijkstra Prize
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Four Researchers Honored With 2012 Dijkstra Prize

The Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Special Interest Groups on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT) and Operating Systems (SIGOPS), together with...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Mark Perry points to updates from the Coursera  free online college course syndication  .... including the mention of one at least from always provocativeDan Ariely...

New Curriculum Resources for App Development on Windows 8
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

New Curriculum Resources for App Development on Windows 8

Most of what I post about is specifically for K-12 computer science education but I recently received the following about some curriculum designed for university...

From The Eponymous Pickle


I was sent a note about a new company formed by a former colleague of mine, Suna Polat, who worked with knowledge management projects at my former enterprise.  ...

Yale Daily News, continued
From My Biased Coin

Yale Daily News, continued

I pointed to this article in the Yale Daily News about computer science when it came out in April.  Giorgos just pointed me back to it again, and I'd have to say...

From Computational Complexity

CCC 2012- Post 3 of probably 4

Post 3 of n on CCC 2012. I still don't know what n is. I summarize the third and fourth day of the conference. (The fourth day was only a half-day). Thursday June...

NSF Announces New SAVI at Intersection of IT, Disasters
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Announces New SAVI at Intersection of IT, Disasters

At a meeting of the National Science Board (NSB) yesterday, National Science Foundation (NSF) Assistant Director for Computer and Information Science and Engineering...
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