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Communications of the ACM



All-or-Nothing Access Control for Mobile Phones
From Schneier on Security

All-or-Nothing Access Control for Mobile Phones

This paper looks at access control for mobile phones. Basically, it's all or nothing: either you have a password that protects everything, or you have no password...

Stanford Student's PhD Memoir Worth Reading
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Stanford Student's PhD Memoir Worth Reading

Philip Guo's Ph.D. Memoirs have spread like wildfire, and for good reason.  His well written short book offers a fascinating look into life as a grad student at...

Eye  Tracking in the Aisle
From The Eponymous Pickle

Eye Tracking in the Aisle

In the WSJ:  Continued advanced usage of eye tracking to understand the shopping consumer.    Some very interesting detail is included in this article.   "...

CSTA's Annual Conference Raises Questions
From Computer Science Teachers Association

CSTA's Annual Conference Raises Questions

This blog entry was originally posted by Doug Peterson at his blog and is used with his permission...

USACM Makes Recommendations On Continuity Of E-Government
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Makes Recommendations On Continuity Of E-Government

One of the consequences of the recent East Coast storm was that several cloud computing services were knocked off line for several hours. As government services...

Field notes from global tech ethnographer Tricia Wang
From Putting People First

Field notes from global tech ethnographer Tricia Wang

A sociologist, ethnographer, and corporate consultant who studies global technology use among migrants, low-income people, youth, and others on society

Dropped USB Sticks in Parking Lot as Actual Attack Vector
From Schneier on Security

Dropped USB Sticks in Parking Lot as Actual Attack Vector

For years, it's been a clever trick to drop USB sticks in parking lots of unsuspecting businesses, and track how many people plug them into computers. I have long...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

We’ve previously

Unilever Partners with Facebook for Safe Water
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Partners with Facebook for Safe Water

In Consumer Goods Technology:  Safe water approaches seem to be coming popular for large consumer goods companies.    Admirable effort, and the Facebook connection...

More on Disappearing Checkout Lines
From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Disappearing Checkout Lines

From Kioskmarketplace:   This reminds me of the considerable work we did in our retail lab well before the emergence of the smartphone.  Kiosks were the rage, and...

Ideaconnection Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ideaconnection Blog

Check out the IdeaConnection blog.  They are writing about Amway and Open Innovation.  " ... Since 2005, global consumer goods company Amway has launched 17 high...

Kraft and Fly Garage in Latin America
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kraft and Fly Garage in Latin America

In Adage: Kraft doing innovation via Fly Garage for Latin America,  with some similar goals to other innovation centers that I have worked with.  " ... Making the...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Giants Known For Small Things

How small results can be extremely important By permission of Paul Helm, artist—source Johannes Brahms is one of the “Three B’s” of music, along with Johann Sebastian...

Petition the U.S. Government to Force the TSA to Follow the Law
From Schneier on Security

Petition the U.S. Government to Force the TSA to Follow the Law

This is important: In July 2011, a federal appeals court ruled that the Transportation Security Administration had to conduct a notice-and-comment rulemaking on...

Even The ITU Is Worried
From Wild WebMink

Even The ITU Is Worried

A press release at the end of last week disclosed the ITU is worried about the epidemic of patent litigation and the abuse of RAND terms on patents by industry...

DARPA Seeks Radical Data Analysis
From The Eponymous Pickle

DARPA Seeks Radical Data Analysis

I had long ago involvement with DARPA, and now am involved with a major proposal to them, they are building up their large scale data involvement. An example:  ...

Cryptanalyze the Agrippa Code
From Schneier on Security

Cryptanalyze the Agrippa Code

William Gibson's Grippa Code is available for cryptanalysis. Break the code, win a prize.

Analytics Magazine: Crowdsourcing, Forecasting, Time series
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Magazine: Crowdsourcing, Forecasting, Time series

The July-August Issue of Analytics Mag is out.  Lots of useful coverage:Margit Zwemer from, in this issue's cover story, introduces us to research as...

Facts about global warming that you should keep for yourself
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Facts about global warming that you should keep for yourself

I don’t get invited to parties very often. That is, in part, because I cultivate aggressively critical thinking. My wife will testify that I am doubter, an annoying...

Arati Prabhakar Named New DARPA Director
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Arati Prabhakar Named New DARPA Director

As our colleagues on CRA’s Policy Blog have just noted, it appears Arati Prabhakar
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