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Apple Patent for Head Mounted Display Tech
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Patent for Head Mounted Display Tech

Now Apple has also entered the fray with a patent on head-mounted display technology, with a different approach.  In Slashdot.  In the next iPhone?  If only it...

Smartphone Medical Sensors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smartphone Medical Sensors

In Medgadget:    From LifeWatch AG (Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Switzerland)  An Android smartphone packed with medical sensors.   Quite remarkable:  " .... The tests...

Analytics at Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics at Work

Finally made it to the 2010 book:  Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results by Thomas H. Davenport, Jeanne G. Harris and Robert Morison.    A fairly...

Fog Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fog Computing

In Wired: Fighting leaks with the spread of believable misinformation.  This is a very old idea, but using systems technology to do it effectively is not.

Data Science Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Science Blog

A blog devoted to Data Science, and apparently often concerning Big Data:  Data Science 101: Learning to be a Data Scientist.  Short and generally accessible articles...

First Person: Margo Seltzer on Women in CS
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

First Person: Margo Seltzer on Women in CS

Harvard computer scientist and CCC Council member

Teaching Teachers
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching Teachers

Next week is the CSTA Computer Science & Information Technology Conference in Irvine CA. I

So You Want to Be a Security Expert
From Schneier on Security

So You Want to Be a Security Expert

I regularly receive e-mail from people who want advice on how to learn more about computer security, either as a course of study in college or as an IT person considering...

Designing for context: the multiscreen ecosystem
From Putting People First

Designing for context: the multiscreen ecosystem

In a long article, designer Avi Itzkovitch explains how, when connecting applications across smart devices, UX designers can create product ecosystems that dynamically...

From Wild WebMink


What is a Higgs Boson? I think this animation from PHD Comics is brilliant.

How ACTA Nearly Won
From Wild WebMink

How ACTA Nearly Won

ACTA was defeated today in the European Parliament, but one British Liberal-Democrat MEP voted for it. Understanding why helps us to understand how the political...

Junaio Virtual Reality Update
From The Eponymous Pickle

Junaio Virtual Reality Update

Junaio has updated their mobile App capabilities for commercial augmented reality.  Full report accessible here.  Also see a short video explaining mobile augmented...

James Paul Gee's Games for Change Keynote
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

James Paul Gee's Games for Change Keynote

Dr James Paul Gee is one of gaming's best advocates by promoting the fact that good games are good for learning.  But what exactly is a 'good' game? What makesGames...

Paintable Batteries
From The Eponymous Pickle

Paintable Batteries

From Work at Rice University.   Including power delivery from a surface that could be charged with solar. Not quite ready for application, but the portable delivery...

Cell Phone Only
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cell Phone Only

A third of US homes, like my own, are now cellphone only.  Not unexpected, the trend has been moving quickly.  Plus other revealing statistics.

Big e-reader is watching you
From Putting People First

Big e-reader is watching you

Would George Orwell have been amused or disturbed by the development that Big Brother now knows exactly how long it takes readers to finish his novel, which parts...

Washington Post creates Chief Experience Officer position
From Putting People First

Washington Post creates Chief Experience Officer position

Washington Post publisher Katharine Weymouth announced in a memo that the paper has named Laura Evans, who has spent most of her nine years at the Post as chief...

Intel social research team experiments with mood-altering technology
From Putting People First

Intel social research team experiments with mood-altering technology

A team of engineers, anthropologists and psychologists at Intel’s Oregon lab is busy developing ways of integrating human emotion and technology in ways that will...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

July Fourth Sale Of Ideas

All ideas on sale—most 50% off Asa Candler invented the coupon in 1895. Candler, a pharmacist by trade, later purchased the Coca-Cola company from the original...

Transmedia Storytelling and New Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Transmedia Storytelling and New Marketing

An interview with Andrea Phillips.  Fascinating thoughts, especially about gamification and the continuation of expressive story in marketing. " .... Our current...
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