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And the Oscar goes to: Interaction
From Putting People First

And the Oscar goes to: Interaction

[Guest post by Jan-Christoph Zoels, senior-partner of Experientia] Avoiding one of the shortcomings of Oscar ceremonies, the international jury of the first Interaction...

Interesting Links 27 February 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 27 February 2012

The highlight of this past week for me was taking part in the CSTA CS & IT conference program committee meeting. The agenda should be available soon once some final...

Interesting Links 27 February 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 27 February 2012

The highlight of this past week for me was taking part in the CSTA CS & IT conference program committee meeting. The agenda should be available soon once some final...

U.S. Federal Court Rules that it is Unconstitutional for the Police to Force Someone to Decrypt their Laptop
From Schneier on Security

U.S. Federal Court Rules that it is Unconstitutional for the Police to Force Someone to Decrypt their Laptop

A U.S. Federal Court aruled that it is unconstitutional for the police to force someone to decrypt their laptop computer: Thursday

Thinking Fast and Slow
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking Fast and Slow

I have been making my way through Daniel Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow for the last few months.  This is very well worth reading.  I do wish there was moreFreeman...

Cognitive Science of Religion
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognitive Science of Religion

A few years ago I had the chance to look at data that linked cognitive science, specifically brain scanning,  and spirituality.   Now there is a journal for this...

Roomba Maker Takes on Healthcare
From The Eponymous Pickle

Roomba Maker Takes on Healthcare

Good idea,  the Japanese have been looking such care systems for years.Health care and robotics: " ... iRobot partners with InTouch Health to develop new generation...

Future of Ethics in Branding
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Ethics in Branding

Ethics in branding.  Like ethics in advertising or merchandising, always debatable.  Everything we do has an element of influencing, so where is the limit?

Technology Diffusion (Guest Post from Zhenming Liu)
From My Biased Coin

Technology Diffusion (Guest Post from Zhenming Liu)

My student, Zhenming Liu, writes about some of his recent work:Sharon Goldberg and I recently submitted a paper about technology diffusion in the context of communication...

IPEG-SA Announces Tapeworm Licensing
From Wild WebMink

IPEG-SA Announces Tapeworm Licensing

Following news that MPEG-LA have generously offered to sell patent licenses to implementers of the latest 3D-capable video standard, MVC, the world’s tapeworms...

P&G Quadrupling Analytics Needs
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Quadrupling Analytics Needs

Did you know that CPG giant Procter & Gamble is planning to quadruple their business analytics resources, despite decreasing their spending in many other areas?...

Digital Influence Group
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Influence Group

Recently encountered:Digital Influence Group. We are a diverse mix of digital marketing and media strategists, research and data analytics experts, creative interactive...

AFOSR Spring Review Announced
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

AFOSR Spring Review Announced

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) has announced plans for its annual Spring Review, featuring work funded by AFOSR over the past year, as well...

Sensory Signals
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sensory Signals

Brands getting Physical to build trust, by Martin Lindstrom.  In our own experiments we discovered that tactile signals were more engaging than digital screens.

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Can Fly to Save Energy
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Can Fly to Save Energy

There's a new study that shows that squid are faster in the air than in the water. Squid of many species have been seen to 'fly' using the same jet-propulsion...

<I>Liars and Outliers</i> News
From Schneier on Security

Liars and Outliers News

The book is selling well. (Signed copies are still available on the website.) All the online stores have it, and most bookstores as well. It is available inavailable...

Press Mentions
From Schneier on Security

Press Mentions

One article on me, and a podcast about my RSA talk next week.

Mention of Cryptography in a Rap Song
From Schneier on Security

Mention of Cryptography in a Rap Song

The new movie Safe House features the song "No Church in the Wild," by Kanye West, which includes this verse: I live by you, desire I stand by you, walk through...

Stop the Cycle of Bullying
From Apophenia

Stop the Cycle of Bullying

[John Palfrey and I originally wrote this as an op-ed for the Huffington Post. See HuffPo for more comments.] On 22 September 2010, the wallet of Tyler Clementi...

International Neuromarketing Association Born
From The Eponymous Pickle

International Neuromarketing Association Born

I see that this new association includes a number of people that I have had interaction with in the future non conscious marketing space.   See in particular the...
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