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Communications of the ACM



Why personas are critical for content strategy
From Putting People First

Why personas are critical for content strategy

The most popular content strategy tools borrow from the discipline of information architecture, but there is one invaluable tool that is imperative to the process...

World IA Day 2012 keynote talks
From Putting People First

World IA Day 2012 keynote talks

World IA Day 2012 is about bringing the Information Architecture community together, and the first ever World IA Day, which took place on 11 February, featured...

How To Start A Computer Science Flame War
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How To Start A Computer Science Flame War

Computer Scientists and computer professionals who may not think of themselves as

Self-Domestication in Bonobos and Other Animals
From Schneier on Security

Self-Domestication in Bonobos and Other Animals

Self-domestication happens when the benefits of cooperation outweigh the costs: But why and how could natural selection tame the bonobo? One possible narrative...

Mobile Payments Not a Game Changer Yet
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Payments Not a Game Changer Yet

In Knowledge @ Wharton:  Thoughts in advance of the March Pay-Pal phone wallet acceptance at Home Depot.  The uptake is still very small for the US consumer.  What...

Thinkvine Partners with Acxiom for Optimization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinkvine Partners with Acxiom for Optimization

Longtime collaborative vendor Thinkvine has announced their partnership with Acxiom.  They present an interesting purpose in simulation terms.  More of this should...

Business Intelligence Without Rules
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Intelligence Without Rules

On business intelligence without rules.   Sometimes yo can formulate specific rules defining a business process, but sometimes you are better off using individual...

Dates for Data?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Dates for Data?

It's high school. It's Valentine's Day. The air is thick with hormones. But just as important as x's and o's are 1's and 0's. As a part of the CS Principles pilot...

Cryptanalysis of Satellite Phone Encryption Algorithms
From Schneier on Security

Cryptanalysis of Satellite Phone Encryption Algorithms

From the abstract of the paper: In this paper, we analyze the encryption systems used in the two existing (and competing) satphone standards, GMR-1 and GMR-2....

Searching Without Tracking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Searching Without Tracking

Mashable reports on a new search engine that uses novel methods to remove any tracking from your searching.   Search privacy.   " ...  Stealth is a search engine...

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Prolog, Day 3
From Writing

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Prolog, Day 3

After a rocky day 2 of Prolog, I'm back for a 3rd day in my Seven Languages in Seven Weeks series of blog posts.Prolog, Day 3: ThoughtsToday, I got to see Prolog...

Advantages of a Bigger Class
From My Biased Coin

Advantages of a Bigger Class

I'm several weeks into the super-sized class this semester.  Mostly, I find it's going fine -- indeed, there are some advantages, I'm finding, to the larger class...

LIVE Video Today: The Impact of NITRD
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

LIVE Video Today: The Impact of NITRD

Beginning at 8:15am EST today, we will be streaming live via the web

Lousy Random Numbers Cause Insecure Public Keys
From Schneier on Security

Lousy Random Numbers Cause Insecure Public Keys

There's some excellent research (paper, news articles) surveying public keys in the wild. Basically, the researchers found that a small fraction of them (27,000...

GE infographics offer hints about future of data-driven management
From Putting People First

GE infographics offer hints about future of data-driven management

A pair of remarkable projects created by Ben Fry (co-developer of Processing) and his company Fathom may seem like simple marketing, but one day soon could enterprise...

Why user experience is critical to customer relationships
From Putting People First

Why user experience is critical to customer relationships

User experience is a priority that should, in some way, find a home within the design of any new-media strategy, writes Brian Solis. “The reality is that the relationship...

What the demise of Flash means for the user experience
From Putting People First

What the demise of Flash means for the user experience


National STEM Video Game Challenge TweetChat
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

National STEM Video Game Challenge TweetChat

The National STEM Video Game challenge kicked off a couple of months ago but it starting to come down to the wire. IF you missed the spring deadline for the Imagine...

From Putting People First

Increasing privacy infringement on the Internet has set off a campaign to uphold the

Innovation for a Smarter Planet Mind Map
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation for a Smarter Planet Mind Map

I have been examining a number of styles of knowledge and concept maps for a project.  Discovered this interesting example in the mind map library Biggerplate. Innovation...
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