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DemandTec Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

DemandTec Blog

A few posts ago I mentioned work that DemandTec was doing with Sam's Club.  I just noticed that DemandTec as a blog of interest.   Recent posts cover issues in...

Looking Backward at Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Looking Backward at Terrorism

Nice essay on the danger of too much security: The great lie of the war on terror is not that we can sacrifice a little liberty for greater security. It is that...

Nielsen Gathering Mobile Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nielsen Gathering Mobile Data

FastCompany article on how Nielsen is gathering data about mobile:   " ... Nielsen Company, the group that has tracked and reported consumer information on radio...

Group Buying in the Grocery Store
From The Eponymous Pickle

Group Buying in the Grocery Store

Always interested in whats possible in the context of the grocery aisle.  Now about Aisle50,  group buying in the store.  Is there also a gaming component to this...

Ready or Not
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Ready or Not

Well according to my Twitter feed a lot of schools in the US south are back to school. Teachers are reporting for duty and students are expected any day now. My...

Big Sign Up
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Sign Up

58,000 have signed up so far for the upcoming  free Stanford AI course.  All about it and the rush to learn about artificial intelligence.  We worked with Stanford...

The Dilemma of Counterterrorism Policy
From Schneier on Security

The Dilemma of Counterterrorism Policy

Any institution delegated with the task of preventing terrorism has a dilemma: they can either do their best to prevent terrorism, or they can do their best toA...

HP Seems To Agree
From Wild WebMink

HP Seems To Agree

Just a few hours after I posted my CWUK article, HP showed how much they agreed with my analysis by cancelling the TouchPad and putting WebOS on ice. Will they...

Ready or Not–New School Year About To Start
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Ready or Not–New School Year About To Start

Well according to my Twitter feed a lot of schools in the US south are back to school. Teachers are reporting for duty and students are expected any day now. My...

Apple Augmented Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Augmented Reality

A detailed view of how Apple appears to be looking at augmented reality using a map + compass approach.   Based on Apple patents, so it is unclear how this might...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

As part of a multi-year cognitive computing initiative

Hanging Out in Google+ For Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hanging Out in Google+ For Business

An interesting example of how food innovators are using Google+ to interact with consumers.   My first impression was that this might a useful way to link researchers...

Steven Pinker on Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Steven Pinker on Terrorism

It's almost time for a deluge of "Ten Years After 9/11" essays. Here's Steven Pinker: The discrepancy between the panic generated by terrorism and the deaths...

NSF Launches Sustainability Research Networks Competition
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Launches Sustainability Research Networks Competition

Yesterday, the National Science Foundation (NSF)

From Computational Complexity

The Future of Universities

When AT&T had its monopoly, it could afford Bell Labs, a major research institution that bragged at having more Ph.D.s than any other university. Now very few companies...

IBM Announces a Brain Chip
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Announces a Brain Chip

IBM has announced a new chip  " ...  an experimental computer chip that emulates the way the brain processes information. IBM

Drug Vending Machines
From The Eponymous Pickle

Drug Vending Machines

Vending machines.  Having seen them used to considerable effect in Japan, have always been interested in their application. Now they are vending drugs.

? Is WebOS Android
From Wild WebMink

? Is WebOS Android

Read about my discussion of WebOS with HP’s open source officer at OSCON, over on ComputerWorldUK now.

New Attack on AES
From Schneier on Security

New Attack on AES

"Biclique Cryptanalysis of the Full AES," by Andrey Bogdanov, Dmitry Khovratovich, and Christian Rechberger. Abstract. Since Rijndael was chosen as the Advanced...

Web-Based Problem Solving Software for Programming Courses
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Web-Based Problem Solving Software for Programming Courses

We all know that students  benefit for problem solving exercises. Creating these sorts of problems can be difficult and time consuming. Evaluating them and help...
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