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Communications of the ACM



E-Mail Use Changes
From The Eponymous Pickle

E-Mail Use Changes

In Computerworld: E-mail use advances on mobile devices, declines on laptops. Fundamental change.

Wallet Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wallet Apps

In Technology Review:  Apps that could change your smartphone into a wallet. Overview of the state of the technology.

Security Theater in the Theater
From Schneier on Security

Security Theater in the Theater

This is a bit surreal: Additional steps are needed to prepare Broadway theaters in New York City for a potential WMD attack or other crisis, a New York state legislature...

Wolfram on Jeopardy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wolfram on Jeopardy

Fascinating piece in Stephen Wolfram's blog on the IBM assault on the Jeopardy game.  Includes some intriguing comparisons about how other online knowledge search...

Does Everyone Need to Learn How to Program?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Does Everyone Need to Learn How to Program?

I suspect that beneath discussions of computing/computer science/computational thinking in K-12, there is an underlying fear that the computer scientists will come...

? Indemnity Article Available/Dispon
From Wild WebMink

? Indemnity Article Available/Dispon

My article on the problem of indemnity requirements for open source procurement is now available in the Essays section, in English and Portuguese. O artigo “Aquisi...

Personalizing the Message
From The Eponymous Pickle

Personalizing the Message

A case study of personalizing the message with Technology: " .... Digitized window displays, motion-gesture navigation signs and custom e-mail messages are some...

Neuroscience Boot Camp
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuroscience Boot Camp

Third annual Neuroscience boot camp at the University of Pennsylvania this summer, have not been, but looks to be good or those seeking to understand the space.

links for 2011-01-26
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-01-26

ACS:Law Can

Unsecured IP Security Cameras
From Schneier on Security

Unsecured IP Security Cameras

It's amazing how many security cameras are on the Internet, accessible by anyone. And it's not just for viewing; a lot of these cameras can be reprogrammed by...

Experientia trademarked its name
From Putting People First

Experientia trademarked its name

When Experientia’s four partners decided to start a business back in 2005, one of the important discussions then was about the name. After brainstorming on the...

Pleasant things work better
From Putting People First

Pleasant things work better

Experientia congratulates Italy on Esperienza Italia
From Putting People First

Experientia congratulates Italy on Esperienza Italia

2011 marks the 150th anniversary of Italian unification, and it is fitting that the celebrations are kicking off in Turin, which (in addition to being Experientia’s...

Field Trip! Johnny Cupcakes and More
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Field Trip! Johnny Cupcakes and More


State of the Union
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

State of the Union

“Innovation” and “Internet” are on the rise.

Pay by IPhone
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pay by IPhone

More on the motivations of Apple to include near field communications and Wallet software in the IPhone.  A long expected direction ... Phone as Wallet.

QR Code Story Adventures
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

QR Code Story Adventures

A QR code is 2D bar code that was standardized well enough that free decoders are readily available for computers and smart phones.  You can encode about 3 KB of...

From Schneier on Security


A group of students at the Chinese University in Hong Kong have figured out how to store data in bacteria. The article talks about how secure it is, and the students...

? Fixing The Chilling Effect of Trademarks
From Wild WebMink

? Fixing The Chilling Effect of Trademarks

Brazil’s new License for Trademarks (Licen

On the monetary value of an education, and bad statistics
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

On the monetary value of an education, and bad statistics

The case that education pays is often made by compare the income of people who graduated against the people who did not. The result is compelling: (Source: U.S....
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