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Kitchen Cooking Autonomously?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kitchen Cooking Autonomously?

Well, sort of.   Gorenje's IChef is another example of a kitchen of the future idea we experimented with and examined many examples of.   It fails the same way...

Technology Isolating People
From The Eponymous Pickle

Technology Isolating People

In the Guardian. There is lots of writing lately on how how technologies can increasingly isolate people.  It can bring far apart people together, but also isolate...

links for 2011-01-23
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-01-23

Oops: No copied Java code or weapons of mass destruction found in Android | ZDNet Ed Burnette takes a look at the allegation from a lobbyist that Google is guilty...

Social networking under fresh attack as tide of cyber-scepticism sweeps US
From Putting People First

Social networking under fresh attack as tide of cyber-scepticism sweeps US

Twitter and Facebook don’t connect people

IBM History
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM History

Video of 100 years of IBM and related Technology History.

Awesome grants
From Michael Nielsen

Awesome grants

Beginning this month, every month the Toronto Awesome Foundation will give away $1,000 for someone to do something that

Reality is Broken
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reality is Broken

Just brought to my attention: Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World: by Jane McGonigal.   Saw some interesting things she...

What Sort of Games Are In The Imagine Cup?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What Sort of Games Are In The Imagine Cup?

I get asked about what sort of games people create as part of the Microsoft Imagine Cup Game division. People look for ideas of what students are capable of doing...

Wolfram Alpha API
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wolfram Alpha API

Interesting, technical discussion of Wolfram Alpha's API.  Dealing in particular with its openness.

Data Blogs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Blogs

ReadWriteWeb presents some links about blogs that discuss data.   Some I had not seen yet. 

Disconnect Between Intelligence and Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disconnect Between Intelligence and Analytics

The disconnect between intelligence and analytics? " .... Being analytics savvy is no longer an option for most businesses but a matter of survival. If a company...

Blowfish in <i>Good Time Max</i>
From Schneier on Security

Blowfish in Good Time Max

This screen shot is from the movie "Good Time Max." 17 minutes and 52 seconds into the movie, it shows Blowfish being used as an encryption algorithm.

Procurement and Indemnity
From Wild WebMink

Procurement and Indemnity

Legacy procurement rules that insist on indemnity from open source subscription suppliers are an unnecessary barrier to open source adoption. Read about this on...

? Speaking at Campus Party Brasil on Saturday
From Wild WebMink

? Speaking at Campus Party Brasil on Saturday

I’ve reached S

Cyberwar is Overhyped
From Schneier on Security

Cyberwar is Overhyped

A new report from the OECD says the threat of cyberwar has been grossly exaggerated. (Hey, that's what I said.) There are lots of news articles. Also worth...

Teach Me How to Research
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Teach Me How to Research

How many of you were formally taught how to research? I'm guessing that for many of you, like me, there was never a class or workshop available to show you howWho...

R Waldo Roth
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

R Waldo Roth

Computer science education in 1972 was a lot different from what it is today. Back then most computers were huge, expensive, intimidating and kept locked away in...

The Legality of the Certificate Authority Trust Model
From Schneier on Security

The Legality of the Certificate Authority Trust Model

Interesting research: We looked at the standard legal documents issued by the certificate authorities or "CAs," including exemplar Subscriber Agreements (agreements...

Google Launching Groupon Competitor
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Launching Groupon Competitor

Mashable reports that Google is about to launch a Groupon competitor.  A pretty obvious direction, finally happening. More detail at link.

ACM Tech Packs: Cloud Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

ACM Tech Packs: Cloud Computing

I see that the Association of Computing Machinery has created a concept they call Tech Packs.  You have to be a member of ACM to get access to these.  Most recently...
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